Renewing our theology

Theological renewal is the theme for the April Equipper–you’ll find the articles and sermons linked below. Note also two new features in the upper right-hand corner: for past issues of Equipper, click on archive; to receive Equipper by email, click on subscribe. Easter blessings to you all! –Ted Johnston, Editor From Greg: Renewed in Christ … Continue reading "Renewing our theology" Read the article

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Forward in 2017!

Through the articles and sermons linked below, the March Equipper addresses various issues relevant to GCI’s journey of renewal in 2017 and beyond. From Greg: Trends for churches in 2017 GCI Vice President Greg Williams looks at ten trends likely to impact the ministry of our churches in the year ahead and beyond. How to … Continue reading "Forward in 2017!" Read the article

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Renewing our leadership

Through the five articles linked below, this month’s Equipper addresses leadership development, a vital part of our ongoing journey of renewal. From Greg: Team-based and pastor-led Greg Williams explores the model of congregational leadership that GCI advocates and has governance systems in place to facilitate. On Leadership: Know yourself to lead yourself Rick Shallenberger notes … Continue reading "Renewing our leadership" Read the article

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Commitments on our journey of renewal

Happy New Year! Through the five articles linked below, this month’s Equipper addresses some of the commitments that are key to our journey of renewal. From Greg: Mutual commitments in 2017 Greg Williams discusses some of the commitments that the Holy Spirit is leading us to make as we continue together on a journey of … Continue reading "Commitments on our journey of renewal" Read the article

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Equipped for a journey of renewal

The December Equipper (with the five articles linked below) focuses on helping us understand and live into the renewal the Spirit continues to grant our fellowship. From Greg: Our renewal continues Greg Williams sets the GCI-USA theme for 2017, anticipating how the Spirit will continue to renew our fellowship in multiple ways. GCI’s educational strategy for … Continue reading "Equipped for a journey of renewal" Read the article

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Preparing for Advent-Christmas

Below are links to the five articles in the November Equipper, which offers resources to help congregations and ministries prepare for Advent-Christmas. From Greg: Humanizing humanity Greg Williams reminds us of a central truth of the Advent-Christmas season: Jesus, the incarnate Son of God, has humanized humanity. Advent-Christmas celebration resources Here is a series of GCI-produced … Continue reading "Preparing for Advent-Christmas" Read the article

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Developing our congregational leaders

Below are links to the seven articles in the October issue of Equipper, which focuses on developing leaders in GCI congregations. Enjoy! — Ted Johnston, editor From Greg: Invest in the development of your leaders Greg Williams urges pastors and ministry leaders to plan now to invest in the development of established and new congregational … Continue reading "Developing our congregational leaders" Read the article

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Worship in fellowship groups

Below are the five articles in the September issue of Equipper, which focuses on conducting worship services in fellowship groups. Enjoy!   — Ted Johnston, editor From Greg: It’s not about numbers Drawing from his childhood, Greg Williams points out the advantages of worship in fellowship group-sized congregations. Here’s what it looks like: Fellowship group … Continue reading "Worship in fellowship groups" Read the article

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Ministry coaching

Below are the five articles in the August Equipper. The focus this issue is on coaching—a vital tool for ministry development. Enjoy! — Ted Johnston, editor From Greg: Coaching matters Greg Williams highlights the great benefits of being coached. Coaching testimonies Three of GCI’s ministry interns share their experiences as coachees. Thoughts from an experienced … Continue reading "Ministry coaching" Read the article

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Focused on fundraising

In the June Equipper we began looking at the theme of stewardship with a focus on generosity. We now continue that theme, focused on fundraising. The five articles in this issue are linked below. Enjoy! -Ted Johnston, Equipper editor. From Greg: Our calling to be fundraisers Greg Williams shares from his personal experience important insights about our calling to … Continue reading "Focused on fundraising" Read the article

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