Theological renewal is the theme for the April Equipper–you’ll find the articles and sermons linked below. Note also two new features in the upper right-hand corner: for past issues of Equipper, click on archive; to receive Equipper by email, click on subscribe. Easter blessings to you all! –Ted Johnston, Editor
From Greg: Renewed in Christ
Recounting one of his personal devotions, Greg Williams rejoices in the gospel truth that, in Christ, God has reconciled all humanity to himself.

(public domain via Wikimedia Commons)
Clarifying Our Theological Vision, introduction
Joseph Tkach introduces a series of articles from Gary Deddo that will clarify key concepts related to GCI’s incarnational Trinitarian theology.
Clarifying Our Theological Vision, part 1
In part 1 of the new series, Gary Deddo addresses two key theological terms: all are included and union with Christ.
Resources for theological renewal
These resources help clarify GCI’s incarnational Trinitarian theology.
Kid’s Korner: object lessons for Easter
Here are seven practical object lessons to use with kids this Easter.
RCL sermons: April 23—May 21
Here are sermons for the five Sundays following Easter, synced with the readings (lections) specified in the Revised Common Lectionary (RCL):
–Sermon for April 23
–Sermon for April 30
–Sermon for May 7
–Sermon for May 14
–Sermon for May 21
In case you missed them last month, here are the sermons leading up to and including Easter, published in the March Equipper:
–Sermon for March 19
–Sermon for March 26
–Sermon for April 2
–Sermon for April 9 (Palm Sunday)
–Sermon for April 13 (Maundy Thursday)
–Sermon for April 16 (Easter)
These are your scriptures for Palm Sunday Isa. 50:4-9, Psalm 31:9-16, Phil. 2:5-11, Matt. 26:14-27:66????
Hi Trevor. Yes, these are the lections (readings/lessons) specified for Palm (Passion) Sunday in Year A of the Revised Commmon Lectionary. It also offers Matt. 27:11-54 as an additional or substitute reading to the other Matthew passage. The sermon we’ve provided focues on the passage in Psalms. In some traditions, the Passion of Christ is looked at in the Sunday beginning Holy Week. In others, it is the triumphant entry into Jerusalem (and thus Palm Sunday). For more on this topic, see the article at