Equipped for a mission-focused
Journey With Jesus

Forward in 2017!

Through the articles and sermons linked below, the March Equipper addresses various issues relevant to GCI’s journey of renewal in 2017 and beyond.

From Greg: Trends for churches in 2017
GCI Vice President Greg Williams looks at ten trends likely to impact the ministry of our churches in the year ahead and beyond.

Used with permission from “Leadership Journal.”

How to conduct a community assessment
GCI Pastor Sam Butler outlines a nine-step process congregations can use to assess and thus engage their community.

Community outreach resources
Here are links to articles that helpfully address various aspects of community outreach, engagement and assimilation.

Kid’s Korner: Resources for Children’s Ministry
Here are resources that address various aspects of ministry to children.

RCL sermons: March 19—April 16
Here are six sermons synced with the Revised Common Lectionary (RCL), including three for Holy Week:
Sermon for March 19
Sermon for March 26
Sermon for April 2
Sermon for April 9 (Palm Sunday)
Sermon for April 13 (Maundy Thursday)
Sermon for April 16 (Easter)

For sermons for February 12 through March 12, click here.

If you would like to receive Equipper automatically each month by email, you may subscribe by emailing Ted.Johnston@gci.org (put "subscribe to Equipper" in the subject line of your email message).

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