Equipped for a mission-focused
Journey With Jesus

Sermon for March 9, 2025 — First Sunday in Easter Preparation

Program Transcript

First Sunday in Easter Preparation—God Our Deliverer

Life can feel like a wilderness path, rough and winding, marked by both beauty and challenge. There are steep climbs, dark valleys, and unexpected storms. But along this road, we’re not alone—there is a companion with us, steady and faithful, promising to walk beside us every step of the way. As we enter this season of Easter Preparation, we walk with Jesus, who traveled his own journey of sacrifice and trust, fully relying on his Father’s presence.
In Epiphany, we celebrated the light of God revealed in Jesus, but as we move into this season, shadows fall over the path. We witness the struggles Jesus faced: hostilities from those who opposed him, his sorrow over a world filled with suffering, his disappointment in the misunderstandings of his followers. Yet, through it all, Jesus moved forward with courage and love, deeply trusting in God as his Deliverer.

As we enter this season, we reflect on what it truly means to call God our Deliverer. Do we think it means freedom from every hardship, or is it the promise that God will give us strength and companionship through them? Jesus’ journey shows us that God’s deliverance isn’t about removing life’s challenges; it’s about providing the courage and support to face them. This is the kind of deliverance that draws us closer to God, refining our faith and shaping who we are.

Today’s Psalm, Psalm 91, reminds us of God’s promise to be our refuge and fortress, to walk with us through every trial. Just as Jesus found strength in his Father during his own journey, we too can lean on God’s unwavering presence, especially in times of struggle. This psalm invites us to trust that God is with us, guiding us and lifting us up, even when the way is hard.

As we begin this season of Easter Preparation, let us embrace the journey of self-examination and draw near to God in prayer, seeking to know his heart. May we come to understand that God’s deliverance doesn’t remove us from life’s challenges but strengthens us through them. As we follow the path that Jesus walked, let us place our trust in God, our Deliverer, who never leaves our side.

“Whoever dwells in the shelter of the Most High
will rest in the shadow of the Almighty.
I will say of the Lord, ‘He is my refuge and my fortress,
my God, in whom I trust.’
If you say, ‘The Lord is my refuge,’
and you make the Most High your dwelling,
no harm will overtake you,
no disaster will come near your tent.
For he will command his angels concerning you
to guard you in all your ways;
they will lift you up in their hands,
so that you will not strike your foot against a stone.
You will tread on the lion and the cobra;
you will trample the great lion and the serpent.
‘Because he loves me,’ says the Lord, ‘I will rescue him;
I will protect him, for he acknowledges my name.
He will call on me, and I will answer him;
I will be with him in trouble,
I will deliver him and honor him.
With long life I will satisfy him
and show him my salvation.’”

May we rest in God, our Deliverer, who walks with us, sustaining and guiding us every step of the way.


Psalm 91:1-2, 9-16 · Deuteronomy 26:1-11 · Romans 10:8b-13 · Luke 4:1-13

Today is the first Sunday in Easter Preparation, a period of reflection and preparation for Easter celebration. For many people, this season is associated with a period of giving up something we enjoy for 40 days. This practice can create room within ourselves so that we might be transformed, resurrected by God. Since the Holy Spirit that raised Christ also dwells in us, it makes sense that creating room in our hearts makes it possible to consider new ways we can love each other better and live in harmony. After all, we must be transformed personally if we are to transform the social systems that we inhabit.

Our weekly theme is God our deliverer, and it encourages us to think about what we mean when we say “deliverer.” Do we mean that we will never face difficulty, pain, suffering, or death? This first week in Easter Prep is our opportunity to examine whether we unconsciously view our relationship with God as a “get out of jail free card” instead of a promise of close companionship as we navigate our lives. Psalm 91 is often a popular psalm, invoking God’s protection with words like “For he shall give His angels charge over you.” But what about those who aren’t protected or rescued from trouble, or those who aren’t given long lives? It’s important to read this psalm in the context of our other readings and in the context of the ancient people who wrote it. The same is true of the reading from Deuteronomy 26, which is full of promises of blessing as well as the requirement to offer the first fruits as part of the ancient sacrificial system. These Old Testament readings can be easily taken out of context and twisted to mean something different in our modern society. Our Gospel reading from Luke 4 recounts the story of Jesus’ temptation by the devil. The devil’s tactic was an example of taking scripture out of context and twisting it to suit one’s purposes. Our sermon text in Romans 10 helps us think about what we really expect from Jesus, from God, when we say we are “saved.”

More Than Magic Words

Romans 10:8b–13 NRSVUE

There’s a joke about an eight-year-old named Michael who needed to use the restroom at school. Here’s how that conversation went:

Michael: Can I go to the restroom?

Teacher: What’s the magic word?

Michael: Abracadabra.

In our world, the words we use matter, and as the joke about Michael shows, we’re usually taught from an early age to use courtesy words to make our requests. (The teacher wanted Michael to say, “Please.”) Words are also important to us as Christians, which can be either good or bad. The words we use to talk about God or talk to God can be misused or given more weight than is necessary. For example, some churches teach that you must end your prayer with “in Jesus’ name;” otherwise, your prayer won’t be heard by God. Other denominations say that you must “pray the sinner’s prayer” to be saved, and if you don’t do that before you die, then you’re destined for hell. Hopefully, we remember what we know about God’s character and love for all of humanity, recognizing that praying the sinner’s prayer and getting the words right to be saved or to have our prayers heard is a requirement made by human beings, not by God. Though it is good and fitting that we can express what is in our hearts through our words, our spoken words do not magically save us. Jesus saves us.

Our sermon text for today covers topics like salvation, confession, and justification, and we’ll learn that Paul is talking about more than mere words for us to repeat. Let’s read Romans 10:8b–13.

The context of Romans 10

Paul’s letter to the Romans is his longest letter, and he was writing to a group that he had not visited. In this sense, Paul is introducing himself and how he views justification by faith, not works. Theologians Marcus J. Borg and John Dominic Crossan believe the best interpretive practice for the letter to the Romans is to “get Paul and his letter to the Romans out of the sixteenth-century polemical [i.e., hostile and critical] Reformation world and back into the first-century imperial Roman world” (156–157). Often, modern readers think that Paul was criticizing Judaism. Instead, Borg and Crossan argue, Paul was “a Christian Jew within covenantal Judaism criticizing Roman imperialism” (157).

Our sermon text offers Paul’s summary of how salvation comes about. Salvation is a major theme of Romans, and by utilizing prophetic Old Testament texts, Paul explains how salvation is provided, not just for the Jews but also for non-Jews, through Israel’s Messiah. Paul tends to repeat this thought: even though Israel stumbled and mishandled the Law, God was working both through the Torah and through the Messiah to accomplish the redemption of the whole world. This is possible through the gift of the Holy Spirit, which isn’t expressly stated in Romans 10 but is referred to in other letters from Paul, such as 1 Corinthians 12:3. Transformation is Paul’s point, a faith-based covenant relationship. Paul contrasts the Law with reality of Christ, who reveals God’s righteousness and love.

Let’s consider how the righteousness of God and restoration are presented in Romans 10:8b–13.

The righteousness of God

Our sermon text clarifies what is meant by the righteousness of God found earlier in Romans 10:

Not knowing the righteousness of God and seeking to establish their own, they [Israel] have not submitted to God’s righteousness. Romans 10:3 NRSVUE

The word translated “righteousness” is dikaiosynē, and it can be interpreted as the “righteous status which humans receive from God,” according to theologian N.T. Wright (1168). Wright further fleshes out what this means, practically speaking, when he writes that it “denotes not so much the abstract idea of justice or virtue as right standing and consequent right behavior within a community.” In Romans 10, Paul is clarifying that he, too, once sought to establish his own righteousness, and his narrative about righteousness was turned upside down by his mystical encounter with the risen Christ (Acts 9:1–9).

Much of the discussion of righteousness in the passage pertains to “who’s in and who’s out.” In other words, Israel thought they were “in” and everyone else was “out.” Paul uses their Old Testament scriptures to prove that righteousness is defined differently than strict law-keeping. Wright suggests that since “God’s people are to reflect God’s own character, it is not illegitimate to extrapolate from them to the justice God desires and designs for his world.” God intends righteousness to be a communal blessing, not just an individual blessing.


Just before our passage, in verses 6-8, Paul uses evidence from the Old Testament, specifically quoting Deuteronomy 30, where the Greek term rhema is translated “word.” According to Wright, Paul rarely uses the word in other writings, but in Romans 10, he uses it several times to convey “the idea of the divine initiative which, in the form of the spoken word, brings new life and new possibilities” (1173). God is offering readers of Romans a “new way” of keeping the law, one that will be in our mouths and hearts, while enabling us to live it fully. It is this restoration that Paul is praying for in the first verse of the chapter.

Brothers and sisters, my heart’s desire and prayer to God for them [Israel] is that they may be saved. Romans 10:1 NRSVUE

Paul quotes Joel 2:32 in Romans 10:13 to support the restoration of all people to God:

Then everyone who calls on the name of the Lord shall be saved, for in Mount Zion and in Jerusalem there shall be those who escape, as the Lord has said, and among the survivors shall be those whom the Lord calls. Joel 2:32 NRSVUE

The evidence from Deuteronomy and Joel is used to address Israel’s struggles with continued oppression despite the covenant with Abraham. Paul points out that their question (why are we still oppressed?) has been answered differently than they had expected through the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. Wright says that “in God’s plan, Christ offers covenant membership to all who believe the gospel.”

It’s also interesting to note that Paul repeats certain words in the passage: mouth/lips and heart. To Paul, the heart represented the center of one’s intellectual, physical, and spiritual lives, while the mouth was used to express what was in the heart. We can see parallels with the way living in integrity connects heart and speech in this week’s gospel reading found in Luke 4:1–13, recounting Jesus’ temptation in the wilderness. While the devil twisted Scripture to suit his purposes, Jesus spoke with integrity from the heart. Similarly, our restoration includes right speech that is congruent with our hearts that are filled with the Holy Spirit.

Romans 10:8b–13 can be misread to imply that our salvation is ensured or sealed by saying the “sinner’s prayer” or by speaking aloud the name of Jesus. We must guard against believing that we ourselves are making it true simply by our special words — that’s superstition. That’s making this passage about the “form” rather than the “substance.” Confess and believe is not a formula. The substance is “everyone.” It’s as if Paul is saying to the Jews, “Look. Before it was birthright that saved you. But the Greeks believe the gospel is true (their confession proves it), and they’re saved too! Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord.”

A transactional interpretation of what it means to simply confess and believe in Jesus in exchange for salvation is similar to Israel’s belief that their righteousness came from their law-keeping. Paul challenges us to see the connections between Old Testament promises and their surprising fulfillment in the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ as well as the righteousness and restoration we’re to be a part of in this world. We’re also challenged to live in integrity with what we say we believe and the way it is expressed through our speech and our behavior. Our faith in Christ must be more than knowing the magic words.

Call to Action: Consider how you communicate your faith through your words and actions. How does your faith inform your behavior? Does your faith inform your treatment of those who disagree or are different from you? Contemplate if your actions convey the generosity God shows all human beings.

For Reference:

Borg, Marcus J., and John Dominic Crossan. The First Paul: Reclaiming the Radical Visionary Behind the Church’s Conservative Icon. HarperOne, 2009.

Wright, N.T. Paul and the Faithfulness of God. Fortress Press, 2013.



Cathy Deddo—Year C Easter Preparation 1

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March 9, 2025 — First Sunday in Easter Preparation
Romans 10:8b-13

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Program Transcript

Cathy Deddo—Year C Easter Preparation 1

Anthony: Well, we need to move on to our second passage of the month. It is Romans 10:8b-13. It is a Revised Common Lectionary passage for the first Sunday of Easter Prep (Lent) on March 9. Cathy, would you read it for us, please?

Cathy: Sure.

But what does it say? “The word is near you, in your mouth and in your heart” (that is, the word of faith that we proclaim), because if you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. 10 For one believes with the heart, leading to righteousness, and one confesses with the mouth, leading to salvation. 11 The scripture says, “No one who believes in him will be put to shame.” 12 For there is no distinction between Jew and Greek; the same Lord is Lord of all and is generous to all who call on him. 13 For “everyone who calls on the name of the Lord shall be saved.”

Anthony: Amen. If you were heralding this passage to a congregation, maybe your congregation of middle schoolers or your grandchildren, what would be the focus of the proclamation?

Cathy: In looking at the whole chapter Paul is talking in this section, he’s been talking about this for the chapter, about righteousness. And what is righteousness? Well, righteousness fundamentally means right relationship. What does it mean to live in right relationship with the God who created all things?

And so, in right relationship with each other and with all of creation, what does it mean to live according to the grain of reality? To live in a way that fits with the truth about life. That’s what righteousness is all about. That’s what he’s been dealing with here.

So, at the beginning of the chapter, Paul talked about the error of believing that righteousness is attained by our own efforts to be righteous. In other words, trusting that if I work hard enough or in certain ways, I can, quote, make the grade, so to speak. I will have done enough to keep God happy or to gain a righteous reputation, whatever it is I’m looking for.

In this section that I’m at, the beginning of the chapter, he’s referring primarily to those who were seeking passionately to become righteous by following the law of Moses. But the truth is we can all be tempted at times to rely on our own efforts to show God or others how righteous we are. And this effort can come out in a variety of ways.

Paul is telling us here that Jesus is the one and only Lord of all. So, living in right relationship with God simply must be shaped by this reality — by who he really is. And who we really are in light of him. So, in verse 9, he says, “If you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord. And believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved.” He reasons in the next verse that this is so because one believes with the heart leading to righteousness and one confesses with the mouth leading to salvation.

So, I would basically want [our] focus right here to be righteous. To live in right relationship with the God, who created us and redeemed us for himself, is to acknowledge that Jesus is our Lord and God. And to acknowledge it with our whole being. He is the one who rightly has total authority over us. And so, we can gladly trust him.

To confess is to say with or to agree with. So, when we confess, we are affirming with conviction the truth that Jesus alone is Lord of all. Paul goes on to say exactly that in verse 12 when he talks about how there is no distinction between Jew and Gentile because the same Lord is Lord of all. And this simple phrase, “Jesus Christ is Lord,” was the first creed of the church.

So, we take some time to unpack this point he’s making here. When we affirm that Jesus’ lordship is the actual reality of all things, then we are also turning away from any and all other lords. We are denying lordship to anyone or anything else, even our own efforts to be righteous. We recognize Jesus Christ only, exclusively as Lord and God.

Don’t we live in a world full of other things that cry out to be lord? Things that tell us that we need to put our trust in them to tell us who we really are and how to live. They promise to give us identity, security, meaning, purpose, hope, but all these other potential lords are idols. Again, including our own efforts to be righteous because they’re false.

All their promises are false and will betray us if we put our trust in them. There really is only one true Lord. Paul fills out, fills out the meaning of confessing with our mouths that “Jesus is Lord,” by saying that we’re also to trust with our hearts that God raised Jesus from the dead in order to receive the salvation that God has wrought for us in Christ.

So, when Paul speaks of the heart, he’s really talking about, as I’m sure you know, our whole being, our whole selves. So, what he’s saying is, what I confess with my mouth, I want to trust with my whole being. And what we trust in with our whole being, we are outwardly confessing. We outwardly affirm to ourselves and to others who is truly Lord.

We say our amen to what is true about Jesus Christ. And in that way, we are whole or wholly surrendered to Jesus. St. Augustine said that our hearts are idol makers. We are often tempted to put something else in that place of lordship in our lives.

As I was thinking about this, I guess in some ways I would say that most of our idols, if not all, fall into two basic categories. The first one is the idol of our hopes for various things in this life, or our plans, agendas. These things can become lord, and they will lead us to put our trust in whatever we think will help us to realize those hopes.

And secondly, I think really even our fears can become our idols. They can reside in the center of our lives, so they prioritize, shape, and control our decisions, our actions, and our reactions. And as I said, the beginning of the chapter where he’s talking about trying to create your own righteousness, ultimately an idol, as we’ll see as we go on, Paul is saying that believing, receiving, acting on, and confirming the truth that Jesus is Lord means we turn away from all these other false lords.

When we seek to grow out of trust in who he is, what he has done, is doing, is continuing to do, will do, not only for us, but in the world as its Lord and Savior. And this involves a daily dying to ourselves and turning to the one who made us and knows us so much better than we know ourselves. It involves a living relationship with the one who’s Lord.

I know I’m kind of hammering on this, but I think sometimes we start thinking that really, we are trying to have our efforts in something else than continually trusting in him, turning away from other things.

Like one of the things I wanted to say, I’ve been praying for a lot of really heavy duty things recently, a lot of things happening in the world in our nation that I find very distressing. But what helps me to pray is I start each time by acknowledging this wonderful truth again that Jesus, the one who is present with me in my prayers is the Lord of all, including time and space.

So, this brings me back to Paul’s words at the beginning of the chapter on righteousness with God and others to attain by our own efforts. He says in verse 3 — this is such an interesting point to me — he says those who are seeking to establish their own righteousness did not submit to God’s righteousness. So, it’s interesting to realize that sometimes we can get so caught up in serving the Lord to make him pleased with us that we’re actually not submitting to the Lord and being led daily by him.

To trust wholeheartedly in the God of Jesus Christ is to daily seek to hear from him, to daily ask him to help us see where we’re tempted, to daily learn to love his sanctifying work in our lives. And the wonderful promise that he gives in verse 11 is that anyone who places this kind of trust in the Lord Jesus will not be put to shame.

We will not find that we were foolish to place our lives, our hearts, our minds, and all of our relationships, hopes, and fears into his hands. He is faithful, and he is true. He knows us better than we know ourselves. He is more committed to our good than we are. We can count on him, absolutely. I was thinking that this is a great passage for the beginning of Lent, because it’s a time where we really can take a look more deliberately at the different ways we are tending to trust in other things instead of Jesus, handing them over to him gladly again and placing our lives under his care.

Anthony: Amen. And amen. No one who believes in him will be put to shame. Absolutely. Oh, that’s such assurance in that statement that you won’t be left standing at the altar, that he is devoted to us more than we’re devoted to ourselves. He knows us the best and loves us the most. Hallelujah. Praise God.

Small Group Discussion Questions

  • What, if any, has been your experience with “praying the sinner’s prayer?” Have you ever worried that your prayer might not be heard by God because you couldn’t articulate it well?
  • As a Jew, Paul could relate to why Israel sought to establish its own righteousness. We still try to establish our righteousness though not in the same way. What are some ways we try to be righteous on our own?
  • How have the death and resurrection of Jesus addressed our restoration of relationship to God differently than we (or Israel) might have thought?
  • What connections do you see with the integrity of our speech and behavior along with the condition of our hearts? How can we become people of integrity in the world, promoting God’s design for justice there?

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