Equipped for a mission-focused
Journey With Jesus

Disciples Who Make Disciples

Discipleship is both being a disciple and making disciples.

By Cara Garrity, Development Coordinator
Lynn, Massachusetts, U.S.

Think back to the January article on lifelong discipleship and the descriptions of discipleship that were explored.

    1. Christian discipleship is the disciplined habit of thinking and acting in Christ. Discipleship is growing closer to Christ, becoming more like Christ, and moving deeper into Christian community with other believers. See the Team Based – Pastor Led resource.
    2. “Discipleship — being a disciple and making disciples — is about becoming more like Christ, taking on both his identity and his praxis. Denying ourselves, taking up our cross daily, and following him (Luke 9:23) … his identity and mission of self-giving love, identified as participating in a sent community of people on mission together.” — Centering Discipleship by Eun K. Strawser

Notice that Strawser takes the time to describe discipleship as both being a disciple and making a disciple. Discipleship flows out of Christ’s life and work in us.

Jesus is a disciple maker, and our God is a sending God. Jesus is sent to humanity, and He sends His disciples into the world to make disciples by the Spirit. (Matthew 28:16-20).

So, if we understand discipleship as being transformed into Christlikeness, and we look at Jesus and see a disciple making and sending God, it makes sense that part of the journey of discipleship is growing in our participation in His continued disciple-making and mission to the world.

Disciple making is not reserved for those with fancy theology degrees, official leadership titles in the church, or particular giftings. It is part of the journey of every disciple of Jesus.

    • How might this expand your ideas of discipleship?
    • What preconceptions about discipleship might this challenge?
    • What implications does this have for the ministry practices of your local Faith Avenue and discipleship pathway?
    • How does this speak into your own journey of a disciple?

Don’t miss the Church Hack on Discipleship Pathways in this issue.

2 thoughts on “Disciples Who Make Disciples”

  1. Discipleship through personal example. Our life in Christ should be„contagious“. As church distant people come in contact with us they ought to be attracted by our „kingdom lifestyle“. After all, today, the Holy Spirit is the best evangelist.

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