Equipped for a mission-focused
Journey With Jesus

Ministry Toolbox—Gospel Reverb Podcast

Host Anthony Mullins

The Gospel Reverb podcast is a wonderful resource to help preachers prepare the sermon. But it doesn’t stop there — the topics discussed are a meaningful way to deepen your faith and to introduce you to other trinitarian speakers and teachers.

Here are three episodes we think you will enjoy.

Brad Turnage

“I think the temptation of Jesus was the temptation to do a fix-up job on our broken world, to use His power to make a bad world good. But … it was always going to be His death and resurrection that would bring about His kingdom. The world doesn’t need to be made better. It needs to be resurrected. As [Jesus] goes into the wilderness, as He’s tempted, it feels upside down. It feels backwards. But again, God’s kingdom shows us that power doesn’t look like power, that the way that God is working in the world is not going to be the way that we expect. And Jesus going into the wilderness is a little picture of that.”

David Kowalick

“The fullness of the gospel of grace is not just about what we’re saved from, it’s what we’re saved into. And it’s not just all sitting in the lap of God and enjoying Him as Father. It’s going on to become sons of God. And I think we’ve stopped at just the familial relationship, but the term “son of God” means someone who’s been given the divine authority to rule. And the way we’re made to rule is by living a life that serves the purposes in the kingdom of God and speaks to the world around us. And there’s work to be done. And that work, I really do believe, begins in this life, in the way we serve those around us in practical ways.”

Chris Tilling

“I think there’s a temptation to turn the kingdom of God into a human project. And this is to fundamentally misunderstand the nature of discipleship, which belongs to God. It’s not ours to control. When it comes to the activity of God and God’s own reign, which effectively is what God’s kingdom means, this is all about the gracious activity of God, rather than something we master and control. We remain disciples in this whole process, not masters. … which frees us from taking ourselves so seriously. We’re not the center. Jesus Christ is the center.”

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