Church Hack: Power of the “And”

The world seems to be changing faster than humanity has historically experienced. In the past year or so the way we experience and participate in church has shifted in monumental ways. Our mission, to share the love of Christ, remains the same, but our methods must evolve. Check out this month’s Church Hack that emphasizes … Continue reading "Church Hack: Power of the “And”" Read the article

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Who Do You Say That They Are?

We should not label children (or anyone) based on a snapshot of their life. Rather, we should remind them of their true identity in Christ. For two years, I served as the director of the Boston ArtScience Prize, a project-based innovation program for high school students that helped them turn their ideas into reality. We … Continue reading "Who Do You Say That They Are?" Read the article

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The Grace of Giving

One of the measurables of a healthy church is when congregations and members practice what Paul called “the grace of giving.” By Bob Regazzoli, Pastor, Australia Let’s look at a biblical indicator – an example from the early church of a group of congregations who demonstrated what healthy churches believe and practice. During the time … Continue reading "The Grace of Giving" Read the article

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More Measurables for a Healthy Church?

Relationships, teachability and investment are three more measurables for a healthy church. By Danny Zachariah, Regional Director, India-subcontinent and church pastor Hyderabad, India Occasionally on a morning walk, I cross paths with a neighbour, a retired Air Force officer. Knowing that I pastor a church, he never forgets to ask me, “Is your church growing?” … Continue reading "More Measurables for a Healthy Church?" Read the article

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Introduction to Our Connect Group

A personal story about the benefit of being in a small group. By David Howe, Pastor, Fort Wayne, IN A light snow was just beginning to fall as winter was moving into our state of Indiana. It was 6:30 pm and I pulled into the driveway of a friend. There were several other cars already … Continue reading "Introduction to Our Connect Group" Read the article

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Building Your Avenue Teams

The Apprenticeship Square and cascading the Healthy Church vision By: Aron and Joyce Tolentino, Pastors, Metro Manila, Philippines Restrictions on physical gatherings due to the pandemic have given rise to unique opportunities for virtual training and equipping. The process of cascading and pursuing the vision of Healthy Church has continued for us in the past … Continue reading "Building Your Avenue Teams" Read the article

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Advent Symbols and Readings

The advent symbols are full of significance relating to the Christmas season. Many GCI congregations celebrate Advent by having an Advent wreath on a table in the front of the sanctuary. The wreath encircles three purple (or blue) candles and one rose (or pink) candle. There is a white candle in the middle of the … Continue reading "Advent Symbols and Readings" Read the article

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Advent: The Dark and the Light, the Origin and the Destiny

Advent, which means “coming” – or from the Latin “to come to” – not only illustrates the biblical teaching of trusting in God and waiting for a fulfillment of his promises, but it also offsets the commercial hype and focus of Christmas that is usually not focused on Jesus. I believe all of us would … Continue reading "Advent: The Dark and the Light, the Origin and the Destiny" Read the article

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Gospel Reverb – Confessing Our Hope w/ Ted Johnston

Video unavailable (video not checked). Download/Subscribe Download Audio RSS Feed Apple Podcast Google Podcast Spotify Stitcher Podcast Addict We would love to hear from you! Please go to the link down below to give us feedback on how we can improve your podcast experience. Listen in as host, Anthony Mullins and GCI Regional Support … Continue reading "Gospel Reverb – Confessing Our Hope w/ Ted Johnston" Read the article

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The Role of the Cross Generational Care Coordinator w/ Cara Garrity

Video unavailable (video not checked). Download/Subscribe Download Audio RSS Feed Apple Podcast Google Podcast Spotify Stitcher We would love to hear from you! Please go to the link down below to give us feedback on how we can improve your podcast experience. In this episode, Anthony Mullins, interviews Cara Garrity. Cara is a graduate … Continue reading "The Role of the Cross Generational Care Coordinator w/ Cara Garrity" Read the article

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