Trigger warning: this article discusses the 9/11 tragedy. Please do not read further if it could exacerbate any pre-existing trauma. On September 11, 2001, I was working for Boston Public Schools (BPS), and our central office was at the heart of the downtown area. My job was to coordinate the district’s afterschool programs, among other … Continue reading "Fear" Read the article
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To communicate God’s love effectively, it’s vital to know the language of the generation we are striving to reach. What questions do they need answered? In June, we celebrate Pentecost, a day when we remember the public launch of the church. The church began in a way that signaled that all people were invited into … Continue reading "In Their Own Language" Read the article
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It can be intimidating working with young people. Here are some tips to keep you focused on them. While I was in college, my work-study job was at the South Boston (the locals call it Southie) Boys and Girls Club, and it was my pleasure to work there for four years. My first day was … Continue reading "Intimidating Encounters" Read the article
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Telling our youth about God’s willingness to bend reality for us gives them a taste of how good and glorious our God is. When I was the director of New Heights Summer Camp, it seemed like we got a significant rainstorm every year. The storms were rarely dangerous — more inconvenient than anything else. Once … Continue reading "The God of the Open Tomb" Read the article
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When I was younger, I was an athlete and pretty cocky. In my sophomore year in high school, I played on the junior varsity basketball team (JV) and was a substitute on the varsity team. I was not humble and had little respect for my JV coach. In my mind, I was already on the … Continue reading "Never Alone" Read the article
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In the United States, February is designated as Black History Month. It is a time to remember the experiences and celebrate the contributions of Black people in America. The month-long observance was pioneered by Carter G. Woodson, who instituted Negro History Week in 1926. Educators at Kent State University are credited with first observing a … Continue reading "Embracing Diversity" Read the article
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When Jesus “moved into the neighborhood,” he set an example for us in how to effectively work with others. We recently celebrated the Advent season and gave special attention to Christ’s first coming, second coming, and continual presence with us. Following Advent, we celebrated Christmas – the incarnation – when the Son of God entered … Continue reading "Imitating Incarnation" Read the article
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Do you know the social, emotional, physical, and spiritual condition of young people in your community? Nehemiah had a BIG challenge. Jerusalem, the religious center for the Jewish people, was in ruin, and God put it on Nehemiah’s heart to rebuild the Holy City. After a period of mourning, lament, and prayer (Nehemiah 1:1-11), he … Continue reading "Examining the Walls" Read the article
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We should not label children (or anyone) based on a snapshot of their life. Rather, we should remind them of their true identity in Christ. For two years, I served as the director of the Boston ArtScience Prize, a project-based innovation program for high school students that helped them turn their ideas into reality. We … Continue reading "Who Do You Say That They Are?" Read the article
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…but remember that each Bible story centers around Jesus. Think of the story of Noah’s Ark. What comes to mind? Maybe you thought about animals marching to the ark two by two and seven by seven. Perhaps you thought about the rain that fell for over a month. Or, maybe you imagined a dove with … Continue reading "Tell the Story…" Read the article
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