What Mr. Peters Taught Me

What would youth ministry look like if we helped youth and young adults identify and use their gifts? I love working with young people. Prior to becoming a pastor, every job I’ve had from the time I was 16 was working with or for young people. Serving youth is a passion and one of the … Continue reading "What Mr. Peters Taught Me" Read the article

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It’s Time to Talk About Trauma

An important step in helping youth deal with trauma is to be a listener like Jesus. One day while Jesus was addressing a crowd, a synagogue leader named Jairus begged the young rabbi for help. Although he had status in the Jewish community, he unashamedly pleaded with Jesus to heal his daughter. Jesus agreed to … Continue reading "It’s Time to Talk About Trauma" Read the article

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Contextualizing Jesus

Youth Vision Jesus was a master storyteller. He communicated profound truths using images easily recognizable to his audience. He was able to make his message relevant and immediately applicable. A good example is found in Luke 13: Again he asked, “What shall I compare the kingdom of God to? It is like yeast that a … Continue reading "Contextualizing Jesus" Read the article

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Children are the Now

The statement “children are the future” has become so common that it is a cliché. As someone who works with young people, I have said the phrase more than a few times. I always said it with the best intentions to audiences of well-meaning adults who sagely nodded their heads with me. My desire was … Continue reading "Children are the Now" Read the article

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