…but remember that each Bible story centers around Jesus. Think of the story of Noah’s Ark. What comes to mind? Maybe you thought about animals marching to the ark two by two and seven by seven. Perhaps you thought about the rain that fell for over a month. Or, maybe you imagined a dove with … Continue reading "Tell the Story…" Read the article
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When our young people speak, are we willing to listen even when their ideas are unfamiliar or different from how things have been done? I call it the “vacant stare of obligation.” It is the look that comes across the face of a young person sitting through a Sunday meeting that does not reach them. … Continue reading "Their Voice Matters" Read the article
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When I was young, I was told the story of “The Little Engine that Could.” There are several variations of the story, but in essence a small engine had to pull a long train over a mountain. The train’s original engine broke down, and all the other engines, for one reason or another, refused to … Continue reading "What Do You Believe?" Read the article
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Games, humor, dance, singing, and unadulterated silliness are basic human needs. Peekaboo! Ready or not, here I come! Row, row, row, your boat… How did reading these words make you feel? Perhaps they made you feel nostalgic or excited. Maybe you felt a longing for a simpler time. Whatever it was, hopefully it reminded you … Continue reading "The Playful God" Read the article
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If handled well, tough questions can provide you and your young people a tremendous opportunity for discipleship and growth. “If God loves me, why did he let my father die?” William was a quiet, shy young man and rarely spoke. I was a youth pastor at the time, and he regularly came to our weekly … Continue reading "Taking on the Tough Questions" Read the article
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Have you ever gone an extended period of time without sleep? It’s awful! My wife, Afrika, and I have two wonderful children who are around 12 months apart. While they were both in diapers, they decided to stagger their schedules. Neither child could talk, so I am not sure how they coordinated their efforts. Nevertheless, … Continue reading "The Gift of Rest" Read the article
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What would youth ministry look like if we helped youth and young adults identify and use their gifts? I love working with young people. Prior to becoming a pastor, every job I’ve had from the time I was 16 was working with or for young people. Serving youth is a passion and one of the … Continue reading "What Mr. Peters Taught Me" Read the article
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An important step in helping youth deal with trauma is to be a listener like Jesus. One day while Jesus was addressing a crowd, a synagogue leader named Jairus begged the young rabbi for help. Although he had status in the Jewish community, he unashamedly pleaded with Jesus to heal his daughter. Jesus agreed to … Continue reading "It’s Time to Talk About Trauma" Read the article
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Youth Vision Jesus was a master storyteller. He communicated profound truths using images easily recognizable to his audience. He was able to make his message relevant and immediately applicable. A good example is found in Luke 13: Again he asked, “What shall I compare the kingdom of God to? It is like yeast that a … Continue reading "Contextualizing Jesus" Read the article
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The statement “children are the future” has become so common that it is a cliché. As someone who works with young people, I have said the phrase more than a few times. I always said it with the best intentions to audiences of well-meaning adults who sagely nodded their heads with me. My desire was … Continue reading "Children are the Now" Read the article
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