Equipped for a mission-focused
Journey With Jesus

RCL Resource for Children’s Church

By Pam Morgan, GCI Operations Coordinator

There are many resources for children’s ministry, but few coincide with the Revised Common Lectionary (RCL). I have been using Sermons4kids for our children’s ministry in Grace Communion Hickory.  It has a lot of options and does follow the RCL.  You can sign up on their website and they will send you the lessons weekly.  They also have a children’s bulletin that you can download and print that is great for kids to have and work on before they go to children’s church.

I use their free resources and I supplement them with videos that my husband Mat found at Saddleback.  Kids love the videos and they are great to reinforce the story with a visual.

I put together our children’s church schedule quarterly using their site and downloading the lessons and resources.  The best part is: it is free!

Here is the link for their website – https://sermons4kids.com/

Here is the link to subscribe to their weekly sermon – https://sermons4kids.com/subscribe_2.htm

The email comes on late Sunday/Monday

Here is the link to one of the videos I have used – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uYLHqdSO9OY

One thought on “RCL Resource for Children’s Church”

  1. Pam! Thank you thank you thank you. We are rebuilding our Children’s Ministry as some families have moved and kids have grown older. We have a few children and looking forward to using these resource and ideas!

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