Equipped for a mission-focused
Journey With Jesus

Kids Korner: Loving Our Kids to Life!

Kid’s Korner this month is from Lance McKinnon.

Start children off on the way they should go, and even when they are old they will not turn from it. (Proverbs 22:6)

Have you ever heard someone say, “I love my kids to death!”? That statement is not meant literally. Instead, it’s our way of expressing a whole-life focused love. It’s the kind of love we see in Jesus, who went to the cross for the sake of bringing us into the wholeness of his life. The way we approach discipleship with our kids should mirror that love. Let us all aim to love our kids to life!

Over the next few months, through a series of articles on worldview conversion and whole-life discipleship, the focus here in Equipper will be helping people of all ages develop a Christ-centered worldview. I urge all of you who are on the front lines of discipling kids to take to heart what is said in these articles so that you can, in turn, help our kids live their lives centered on Christ.

Children and teens especially run the risk of drowning as they swim in a “cultural soup” that runs increasingly counter to a Christ-centered worldview. Those who disciple kids must be vigilant in aligning their own worldview with the mind of Christ, so they can then help protect our children from being swept away in the currents of our increasingly “me-centered culture.” As Ted Johnston noted in his worldview article in last month’s Equipper, there is a very strong “me-centered” current in our Western world that shapes the worldview and identity of many people. We would be naïve to think that this current does not taint our approach to youth and children’s ministry. However, it doesn’t have to.

As we let the Holy Spirit lead us deeper into the conversion of our own worldview, we can, in turn, find healthier and more effective ways to love our kids to life, rather than to death. We can be a powerful voice in their lives, pointing them to Jesus, the water of life, where true freedom and life-giving identity flows.

So, I encourage you to do the hard work of building awareness of the cultural soup we swim in, while developing a Christ-centered worldview that enables our participation with Jesus by the Holy Spirit, in discipleship with our children. I highly recommend reading Ron Highfield’s book (pictured at right), which was recommended by Greg Williams and Ted Johnston in last month’s Equipper. In my opinion, it’s a top read for anyone who wants to be informed and equipped in doing ministry in our culture today. I also encourage you to follow the discussion here in Equipper on this topic. As we move forward together in this direction, we can engage in healthy dialogue leading to better understanding and practice in how we disciple our young people.

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