Equipped for a mission-focused
Journey With Jesus

Healthy Church: Connection Card

Here from the GCI Venue Resources is an infographic that shows how to use a connection card in you congregation as a tool for connecting with visitors and guests who attend your worship services and outreach events. The infographic provides a template to use in producing a locally branded connection card (click on the image below to download it in PDF).

3 thoughts on “Healthy Church: Connection Card”

  1. We were just talking about our Connection Card at our last Team meeting — Great resource, answers many of the questions we had, all we need to do is update our Connection Card on gold paper! Thank you!

  2. I recently simplified ours since most people don’t like giving out their address to us. Just three boxes: “What’s your name?” and “May we have your email address?” and “May we have your phone number?” along with a comments/prayer request block, seems sufficient.

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