This article is from Grant Forsyth, GCI Pastor in Kenockee, Michigan. Last January, a member of the local farm museum event committee called. She said they were planning the museum’s annual late summer event (one that draws a couple thousand visitors to a celebration of the history of farming and rural life). She then said … Continue reading "Relate to your community" Read the article
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Here from Cathy Deddo is part 2 of her two-part essay on the Christian life, based on material Cathy presented at GCI's August 2017 Denominational Conference in Orlando. For part 1, click here. For a article that includes both parts, click here. Wholehearted, part 2: Finding Personal Wholeness in Jesus In part 1 of this … Continue reading "Wholehearted, part 2" Read the article
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Throughout Holy Week (March 25 through April 1 this year) we will remember the events that led to Jesus’ horrific death on the cross and his glorious resurrection from the dead. Once again, we will consider Jesus’ arrival in Jerusalem on Palm Sunday, the weight of his crucifixion on Good Friday, and the joy of … Continue reading "Videos for Holy Week" Read the article
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The lead-in to the start of a church service is an opportunity for a congregation to do several things: Communicate God’s love by being warm and welcoming. Set expectations for the flow the worship that is about to begin. Create a space for members and guests to participate, thus providing an invitation into the congregation’s … Continue reading "Video for starting the church service" Read the article
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Here are resources that help preachers grow in the categories noted. General issues Article by Charley Reeb: “10 Things Great Preachers Do Differently“ Exegesis Toward an Exegetical Theology by Walter Kaiser, Jr. Article by Scot McKnight: “The Hermeneutics Quiz“ Preparing and delivering expository sermons Biblical Preaching by Haddon Robinson Preaching by Fred Craddock Christ Centered Preaching by Bryan Chapell … Continue reading "Resources for preachers" Read the article
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This article is from GCI Equipper editor, Ted Johnston. A challenge faced by all preachers is choosing the passage of Scripture (pericope) they will preach from. In GCI, we urge preachers to choose one or more of the passages specified for each week in the Revised Common Lectionary (RCL). An important and helpful feature of the … Continue reading "Preaching with the lectionary" Read the article
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This article is from Dr. Dan Rogers who teaches a course in preaching at Grace Communion Seminary. Why do people attend church? The reasons vary, but for many, the primary reason is to hear the Word of God. How is it that God’s Word is heard at church? Is it not through the Living Word, … Continue reading "Key concepts in preaching" Read the article
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By Ted Johnston, CAD Publications Editor Given this month’s theme of leadership, I thought it might be helpful to share what my experience tells me is a vital aspect of developing leaders—both new ones and veterans. Rather than “flying solo,” effective leaders practice team-based leadership. They know how to either lead a team of leaders, or … Continue reading "The heart of team-based leadership" Read the article
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By Greg Williams, CAD Director Whether it’s a team in GCI’s Home Office, or the leadership team in one of our congregations, I believe it’s vital that we all become what I call a “REAL team”—one that possesses the characteristics listed in this box: A REAL team is made up of real people with diverse personalities, … Continue reading "On being and building a REAL team" Read the article
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By Rick Shallenberger, GCI-USA Regional Pastor This is number 7 in Rick's series on leadership. For other articles in the series, click a number: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8. One of the most effective ways to influence others is to listen to them. This may seem a bit strange, but let’s be honest—pastors have a … Continue reading "On Leadership: Be interested before being interesting" Read the article
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