Equipped for a mission-focused
Journey With Jesus

Healthy Church: R.E.A.L. Teams (part 2)

Last month we defined a healthy leadership team as a R.E.A.L. team—one that is relationally connected (R), enthusiastically engaged (E), affirming (A), and involving liberating leaders (L). The resources below are designed to help congregations develop R.E.A.L. teams in alignment with GCI’s healthy church vision.

REAL Teams videos. The videos linked below address four defining and essential characteristics of a R.E.A.L. team. We encourage you to show, then discuss these videos over the course of several team meetings (click on the links to watch online or to download).

REAL Teams infographic. Click on the image below for an infographic that addresses the nature and context of R.E.A.L. teams within GCI.


2 thoughts on “Healthy Church: R.E.A.L. Teams (part 2)”

  1. Ted Johnston did a terrific job in his Surprising God blog, in 2014, of reviewing Andrew Root’s book “The Relational Pastor.” That gave me many good pointers and began to change the way I work as a pastor. I printed off the posts and scribbled on them, and still have them on my shelf near my desk.

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