Equipped for a mission-focused
Journey With Jesus

2018: A year of transitions

This first issue of GCI Equipper in 2018 looks forward to a year of transitions in GCI—below are links to the articles and sermons.

From Greg: Celebrating Jesus’ headship
Looking forward, in faith, to the various transitions coming in 2018, Greg Williams reassures us that Jesus is head of his church, GCI included.

On Leadership: Confidentiality
Rick Shallenberger addresses the vital topic of maintaining confidentiality.

Kid’s Korner: Start with a thankful heart
Lance McKinnon encourages us to minister out of a heart of thankfulness.

RCL sermons for February 2018
Here are the Revised Common Lectionary-synced sermons for February:
Sermon for February 4
Sermon for February 11
Sermon for February 18
Sermon for February 25

In case you missed the sermons for January, here they are:
– Sermon for January 7
– Sermon for January 14
– Sermon for January 21
– Sermon for January 28

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