Sermon for August 16, 2020

Speaking of Life 2038 | Double Booked Watch Listen Download/Subscribe Download Audio Download Video Low Res Video Thumbnail Watch on YouTube RSS Feed Google Podcast Spotify Program Transcript + Discussion The Bible is full of promises of God caring for his children. Do you ever wonder if God is capable of fulfilling all of his … Continue reading "Sermon for August 16, 2020" Read the article

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Sermon for August 9, 2020

Speaking of Life 2037 | Rembrandt’s Question Watch Listen Download/Subscribe Download Audio Download Video Thumbnail Watch on YouTube RSS Feed Google Podcast Spotify Program Transcript + Discussion In the face of danger, our biological response might be to automatically fight, flee, or freeze. When facing life’s many storms, we also have the option of responding … Continue reading "Sermon for August 9, 2020" Read the article

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Sermon for August 2, 2020

Speaking of Life 2036 | Hand’s On Experience Watch Listen Download/Subscribe Download Audio Download Video Thumbnail Watch on YouTube RSS Feed Google Podcast Spotify Program Transcript + Discussion The best way to learn is often hands-on, right? We learn best when we actively participate in the learning process. Jesus knew this about his disciples and … Continue reading "Sermon for August 2, 2020" Read the article

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Sermon for July 26, 2020

Sermon for July 26, 2020 Watch Listen Download/Subscribe Watch on YouTube Program Transcript + Discussion Watch video on YouTube: Program Transcript Psalm 105:1-11, 45b • Genesis 29:15-28 • Romans 8:26-39 • Matthew 13:31-33, 44-52 The theme this week is God’s promise story. Our God has entered our story and keeps his promises through to … Continue reading "Sermon for July 26, 2020" Read the article

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Sermon for July 19, 2020

Sermon for July 19, 2020 Watch Listen Download/Subscribe Watch on YouTube Program Transcript + Discussion Watch video on YouTube: Program Transcript Genesis 28:10-19a • Psalm 139:1-12, 23-24 • Romans 8:12-25 • Matthew 13:24-30, 36-43 The theme for this week is “Where is God?” In Genesis 28, we read the story of Jacob and how … Continue reading "Sermon for July 19, 2020" Read the article

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Sermon for July 12, 2020

Sermon for July 12, 2020 Watch Listen Download/Subscribe Watch on YouTube Program Transcript + Discussion Watch video on YouTube: Program Transcript Psalm 119:105-112 • Genesis 25:19-34 • Romans 8:1-11 • Matthew 13:1-9. 18-23 This week we talk about God the unrelenting storyteller—he makes his promises and keeps them. First, Genesis 25–the story of Jacob … Continue reading "Sermon for July 12, 2020" Read the article

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Sermon for July 5, 2020

Sermon for July 5, 2020 Watch Listen Download/Subscribe Watch on YouTube Program Transcript + Discussion Watch video on YouTube: Program Transcript Psalm 45:10-17 • Genesis 24:34-38, 42-49, 58-67 • Romans 7:15-25a • Matthew 11:16-19, 25-30 This week’s theme is Discerning God’s provision and salvation. Genesis recounts the story of Abraham’s servant trusting the Lord … Continue reading "Sermon for July 5, 2020" Read the article

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Sermon for June 28, 2020

Speaking of Life 2031 | I’m Ready, My Lord Watch Listen Download/Subscribe Download Audio Download Video Thumbnail Watch on YouTube RSS Feed Google Podcast Spotify Program Transcript + Discussion The phrase Hineni means, “here I am”. In the Bible, Hineni is most frequently used in response, when God personally calls on an individual to something … Continue reading "Sermon for June 28, 2020" Read the article

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Sermon for June 21, 2020

Sermon for June 21, 2020 Watch Listen Download/Subscribe Watch on YouTube Program Transcript + Discussion Watch video on YouTube: Program Transcript Genesis 21:8-21 • Psalm 86:1-10,16-17 • Romans 6:1b-11 • Matthew 10:24-39 The theme for this week is “we are never alone in our suffering.” In Genesis 21, we read the story of Abraham, … Continue reading "Sermon for June 21, 2020" Read the article

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Sermon for June 14, 2020

Sermon for June 14, 2020 Watch Listen Download/Subscribe Watch on YouTube Program Transcript + Discussion Watch video on YouTube: Program Transcript Psalm 116:1-2, 12-19 • Genesis 18:1-15, 21:1-7 • Romans 5:1-8 • Matthew 9:35-10:8 This week the theme is God’s wild romance. Psalm 116:1-2, 12-19 is the song of someone who has been lavishly … Continue reading "Sermon for June 14, 2020" Read the article

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