All three Avenues can and should be involved in following up with Easter guests.
By Jep Parcasio, Pastor, Philippines
Easter Sunday is one of the most observed celebrations in the worship calendar aside from Christmas. Thus, it is important for local churches to be intentional in how we follow up with guests, especially in coordination with the Avenues of Faith, Hope and Love.
Since this is a special worship celebration, it is good to have special steps and activities for our members to be more immersed into the message of the gospel through Jesus’ resurrection on Easter Sunday. On the worship calendar, Easter does not end on Easter Sunday but continues through a 50-day period of “Eastertide” (or also called as “Pascal tide). This period commemorates the time from Jesus’ resurrection through his ascension and up to and including Pentecost.

With this in mind, we can reflect on four questions.
- In what way can we help our members and guests during the Easter season live out and experience the power and relevance of the risen Lord Jesus?
- How will it affect our Hope Avenue and the way we plan worship services through the season?
- How will it help us plan for connect groups in the Faith Avenue?
- What follow up activities do we have planned in the Love Avenue?
The Christian Worship Calendar is a beautiful guide throughout the year for every local church to follow. It is cycle of going through the birth, life, ministry death, resurrection, and ascension of Jesus Christ. This allows every member of the church to journey together into the life of the triune God. During the season of Easter, the church will be able to celebrate and live in the victorious life that Jesus gives us through his resurrection.
In the Gospels, we read that after Jesus’ resurrection, he took time to share meals, fellowship, give assuring words, and spend time with his disciples — perhaps an ordinary life, turned into a fresh perspective of Jesus in his glorified body.
Here are some scriptures on Jesus’ post resurrection:
- Jesus meeting with disciples and telling them to not be afraid (John 20:19-25).
- Jesus walking with two of His disciples and breaking bread with them (Luke 24:13-35).
- Jesus preparing breakfast with his disciples (Luke 24:36-49).
- Jesus commissioning his disciples (Matthew 28:16-30).
- Jesus appearing to more than 500 in Galilee (1 Corinthians 15:6).
With these verses in mind, consider these suggested activities:
- First, be intentional about greeting guests, paying attention to them, making them feel welcome. (Hope Avenue)
- If appropriate, invite a guest to an Easter meal in your home. Get to know them. (Love and Faith Avenues)
- Encourage guests to complete a connect card where they can provide their contact information and prayer requests. Using the cards, follow up with guests, perhaps a phone call or a visit, if appropriate. (Love Avenue)
- Organize a follow-up “breakfast with Jesus” gathering where the guests can attend and be able to recount the post-resurrection story. (Love and Faith Avenue)
- Offer to meet with a guest at a café or coffee shop — be friendly, but not overbearing. (Faith Avenue)
- Encourage the guests and members to join or be part of a connect group. Bible study groups can also do a series/curriculum on selected passages of the scriptures on Jesus’ resurrection. (Faith Avenue)
These are just a few suggestions. What is your group doing? Share your ideas and stories with us. Easter reminds us that in Jesus’ resurrection, we are victorious. In Christ, we have all been invited to experience the resurrected life with others. Be intentional about guest follow-up as we continue to share Jesus’ love and life with others by living and sharing the gospel.