Equipped for a mission-focused
Journey With Jesus

Church Hack: Advent

Advent is a season of expectation. But not the expectation of some far-off event, more like the expectation of a woman with child. It is the awareness of present life, and the knowledge that one day that life will burst forth into the world.

In this sacred season of the worship calendar, we find ourselves waiting with great hope for the ultimate return of Jesus and the fulfillment of his unwavering promises. We stand on the lookout, ever ready to run towards him when we catch even a glimpse of his presence.

Before we celebrate the birth of Jesus at Christmas, Advent calls us to remember God’s faithfulness in our past and celebrate the promises for our future, especially the ultimate return of Christ, a time when all will be made right.

For Advent Resources to inspire your worship this season, check out this month’s Church Hack at https://resources.gci.org/wp-content/uploads/2023/10/2023-CH11-Advent.pdf



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