Scripture readings: Ex. 3:1-15 and Ps. 105:1-6, 23-26, 45b; (or Jer.15:15-21 and Ps. 26:1-8) Rom. 12:9-21; Matt.16:21-28 Sermon by Dustin Lampe from Matt. 16:21-28 and Rom. 12:9-21 TOTAL SURRENDER (part 2) GIVE IT AWAY! Note: this is part 2 of a 2-part series titled "Total Surrender." For Part 1 ("Give It Up!"), click here. Introduction … Continue reading "Sermon for September 3, 2017" Read the article
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Here is part 4 of an essay titled Clarifying Our Theological Vision by Gary Deddo, with an introduction from Joseph Tkach. The essay is being published serially here in Equipper. To read each part, click on a link: introduction, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. To read the full essay in one article, click here. For … Continue reading "Clarifying Our Theological Vision, part 4" Read the article
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Scripture readings: Ex. 1:8-2:10 and Ps. 124 (or Isa. 51:1-6 and Ps. 138) Rom. 12:1-8; Matt. 16:13-20 Sermon by Dustin Lampe from Matthew 16:13-20 and Romans 12:1-8 TOTAL SURRENDER (part 1) GIVE IT UP! Note: this is part 1 of a 2-part sermon with the overall title "Total Surrender." Part 2 (Give It Away!), covering … Continue reading "Sermon for August 27, 2017" Read the article
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This article is from GCI-USA Regional Pastor and Equipper Feature Editor, Rick Shallenberger. This is part 4 of a series on Christian leadership. For other articles in the series, click a number: 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8. In the first few months of being employed full-time as a GCI pastor, I had a wonderful idea of … Continue reading "On Leadership: Toward team-based leadership" Read the article
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Scripture Readings: Gen. 45:1-15 and Ps. 133 (or Isa. 56:1, 6-8 and Ps. 67) Rom. 11:1-2a, 29-32; Matt. 15:10-28 Sermon by Martin Manuel from Matthew 15:10-28 Mega-Faith Introduction This sermon looks at a powerful example of faith from an unexpected source. The backdrop is what we read in Matt. 15:10-20, along with the history of Israel’s conquest … Continue reading "Sermon for August 20, 2017" Read the article
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Scripture readings: Gen. 37:14, 12-28 (or 1 Kings 19:9-18; Ps. 85:8-13) Rom. 10:5-15; Matt. 14:22-33 Sermon by Josh McDonald from Matthew 14:22-33 Watch While You’re Walking Introduction Our Gospel lection today tells of Jesus defying the laws of physics by walking on water. This story has fascinated people for centuries. Three Gospels record it: Matthew, Mark, … Continue reading "Sermon for August 13, 2017" Read the article
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Looking forward to our “family reunion” in Orlando in August, the July issue of “Equipper” (articles and sermons linked below) celebrates the blessings we have in GCI as an international family on mission together with the Triune God. From Greg: Celebrating our family Greg Williams tells about his recent trips to the Philippines and Mexico where … Continue reading "GCI: We are family!" Read the article
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This issue of Kid’s Korner is from Jeffrey Broadnax who pastors GCI congregations in Ohio and serves as National Coordinator for GCI Generations Ministries. My nine-year-old daughter Kassidy and I recently shared a road trip to North Carolina where I conducted a wedding. I had purchased a DVD player so Kassidy could pass the time … Continue reading "Kids Korner: Building relationships" Read the article
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Scripture readings: Gen. 32:22-31 and Ps. 17:1-7, 15 (or Isa. 55:1-5 and Ps. 145:8-9, 14-21) Rom. 9:1-5; Matt. 14:13-21 Sermon by Dustin Lampe from Matthew 14:13-21 A Call to Contentment (feeding of the 5,000) Introduction Recently, I spent the evening at the home of a neighbor who had recently returned from a trip to Nigeria, … Continue reading "Sermon for August 6, 2017" Read the article
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Dear pastors and ministry leaders: As I travel in my responsibilities as Director of Church Administration and Development and GCI Vice President, I’m blessed to spend time with GCI leaders and members throughout the world. We truly are an international family, and that is something to celebrate! I recently had the pleasure of visiting our … Continue reading "From Greg: Celebrating our family" Read the article
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