Discipling our kids well at church necessitates that we use an interactive and theologically-solid children’s church teaching curriculum. But where do we find one of those? Here’s a suggetion. This past summer, GCI Generations Ministries (GenMin) provided a children’s companion to its standard camp curriculum for teens. This companion curriculum, titled Celebrate the Grip, is free to GCI … Continue reading "Kid’s Korner: Commitment to discipling our children" Read the article
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Happy New Year! Through the five articles linked below, this month’s Equipper addresses some of the commitments that are key to our journey of renewal. From Greg: Mutual commitments in 2017 Greg Williams discusses some of the commitments that the Holy Spirit is leading us to make as we continue together on a journey of … Continue reading "Commitments on our journey of renewal" Read the article
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Rather than providing just one sermon this month, we’re providing five! Going forward, we plan to provide four or five in each issue to help our pastors and other preachers implement a “best practice” we’ve long advocated—preaching the RCL (the Revised Common Lectionary). As noted in an earlier article in Equipper from pastor Sam Butler, the RCL lists for … Continue reading "Commitment to preaching the RCL" Read the article
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This article is from Michelle Fleming, who recently moved to Southern California from Florida to work as CAD’s communications and training coordinator. There is something about starting a new year that fills me with energy, excitement and hope. The flipping of the calendar from December 31 to January 1 is a built-in rhythm of renewal … Continue reading "Commitment to prayer" Read the article
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Dear Pastors and Ministry Leaders, Happy New Year! I pray that the year ahead will be for you one of joy and fruitfulness in Christ. As I noted in last month’s Equipper, “Renewal” will continue to be our guiding theme in 2017. For us to travel that Spirit-led journey together, it’s vital that we make some mutual commitments. … Continue reading "From Greg: mutual commitments in 2017" Read the article
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