Church Hack: Advent

Advent is a season of expectation. But not the expectation of some far-off event, more like the expectation of a woman with child. It is the awareness of present life, and the knowledge that one day that life will burst forth into the world. In this sacred season of the worship calendar, we find ourselves … Continue reading "Church Hack: Advent" Read the article

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TMAP and IMAP Samples

We hope that your journey in crafting the Ministry Action Plan (MAP) for 2025 is filled with inspiration. Following the release of last month’s articles and MAP templates, we’ve received inquiries about what a typical TMAP or IMAP might resemble. To address this curiosity, we’ve attached sample versions, thoughtfully provided by Cara Garrity, our Ministry … Continue reading "TMAP and IMAP Samples" Read the article

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Celia’s Advent Longing

A children’s Advent story you may want to read at church. By Bill Winn, Pastor, Grace Communion Hanover Once upon a time—because all good stories begin this way—there was a little girl who loved her mother and father dearly. Her father was a blacksmith, and her mother sewed breeches and shirts for the sailors who … Continue reading "Celia’s Advent Longing" Read the article

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Liturgy Formation – Why is this Important?

Good liturgy keeps us focused on Jesus as our Center. By Jep , Associate Pastor GCI Baguio, Philippines Liturgy is derived from the Greek word – leitourgia, which means “work for the people.” Liturgy, in the context of Christian spirituality, refers to the services, ceremonies, and sacraments that the church institutes as we worship Jesus. … Continue reading "Liturgy Formation – Why is this Important?" Read the article

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Until Christ is Formed in You

Spiritual formation parallels between the active waiting and anticipation of pregnancy and the season of Advent. By Afrika Afeni Mills, Faith Avenue Champion, GCI Charlotte My first pregnancy was not like Mary’s pregnancy with Jesus. There’s the obvious difference—while my husband and I experienced the pregnancy as a miracle, our child was not immaculately conceived. … Continue reading "Until Christ is Formed in You" Read the article

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ADVENTures in the Christian Calendar

Advent is part of the scaffolding that enables us to climb up and around the beauty of the Gospel message. By Bill Winn. Pastor, Grace Communion Hanover Once in my early twenties, I was driving a large dump truck early in the morning on roads covered with a proper northwest frozen snowy slush! The ruts … Continue reading "ADVENTures in the Christian Calendar" Read the article

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Church Hack: Communion in Worship

Through the symbols of bread and wine, the act of Communion offers us an opportunity to remember and rejoice in Jesus’ love, which he poured out for us. This unifying practice, also known as the Eucharist, displays the remarkable unity present in the body of Christ, regardless of diverse backgrounds, races, or social standings. As … Continue reading "Church Hack: Communion in Worship" Read the article

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Place Sharing vs. Confrontational Evangelism

Scare theology might bring people in, but it doesn’t build relationship. By Danny Zachariah, Superintendent, Asia “If you died today, where would you go?” Certainly, this is an “in-your-face” question that gets one’s attention, but it’s also a question that might instill fear. Sadly, it’s a common starting point for many Christians who are eager … Continue reading "Place Sharing vs. Confrontational Evangelism" Read the article

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RCL Resources for 2024

By Michelle Fleming, Communications Director My team and I are wholeheartedly committed to serving you. We admire your commitment and faithfulness in serving in Jesus’ ministry through GCI. Our main goal is to provide resources that empower you and your team to continuously focus on living and sharing the gospel within a vibrant and Healthy … Continue reading "RCL Resources for 2024" Read the article

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Ministry Action Plans

A nuts-and-bolts approach to developing your MAP By Cara Garrity, Development Coordinator It’s that time of year again – time for Ministry Action Plans (MAPs)! What are MAPs? A Ministry Action Plan is a “living document” that identifies specific ministry goal(s) and charts an intentional pathway to move from the current ministry conditions towards the … Continue reading "Ministry Action Plans" Read the article

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