Equipped for a mission-focused
Journey With Jesus

Church Hack: Rule of Life

“A rule for life is a simple statement of the regular rhythms we choose in order to present our bodies to God as our ‘spiritual act of worship’ (Romans 12:1). Each rule, or rhythm, is a way we partner with God for the transformation only he can bring. Rules keep our lives from devolving into unintended chaos. They aren’t a burdensome list of do’s and don’ts, enumerating everything you might do in a day. Life-giving rules are a brief and realistic scaffold of disciplines that support your heart’s desire to grow in loving God and others.” – Adele Ahlberg Calhoun

This month’s church Hack emphasizes the importance of developing a rule of life. For more information, view and download the Church Hack here: 2024-CH5-Rhttps://buff.ly/3TgkBRjuleofLife.pdf (gci.org)


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