The Beatitudes

This article is written by GCI pastor Mark Mounts. My wife, Debra, and I recently had the opportunity to visit the “Holy Land” with a group of GCI church leaders. It was a life-changing journey we will never forget. The geography and the sites we visited gave us a new perspective into the ministry of … Continue reading "The Beatitudes" Read the article

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Missional or Missionary

Churches often use the terms mission, commission, missional and missionary. While the words are related, we need to know the difference between missional and missionary as we participate in the Great Commission. The Gospel of Matthew ends with Jesus commissioning the 11 disciples. Have you ever noticed that Matthew begins his Gospel in a similar … Continue reading "Missional or Missionary" Read the article

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Engaging Leaders

This article is written by Jeff Broadnax, Director of Generations Ministry and Assistant Regional Director. When someone becomes one of the answers to your online banking “security questions,” you know they have made an impact in your life. Hollis Dane Mitchell was such a person. For years he was an answer to the question, “Who … Continue reading "Engaging Leaders" Read the article

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Bringing Others in the Know

Philip ran over and heard the man reading from the prophet Isaiah. Philip asked, “Do you understand what you are reading?” The man replied, “How can I, unless someone instructs me?” And he urged Philip to come up into the carriage and sit with him (Acts 8:30-31 NLT). Whether it’s learning about Jesus or learning … Continue reading "Bringing Others in the Know" Read the article

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Developing Leaders

The power of equipping and empowering others Jesus didn’t just send instructions to a group of people to go and share good news—he had a systematic way of training disciples, who trained disciples, who trained disciples and several generations later trained you and me. Now we are called to train the next generation of leaders. … Continue reading "Developing Leaders" Read the article

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A New Look at Lent

Lending With the Promise of Repayment Written by George Hart, retired GCI pastor My first memories of Lent are not particularly positive, but not necessarily negative—more indifferent. I remember when I was six years old, in the first grade, and the Lenten season approached. I was given a Lenten coin folder, the type with slots … Continue reading "A New Look at Lent" Read the article

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Being Called Up

The Value of Life-on-Life Mentoring Written by Anthony Mullins, National Coordinator for pastoral residents. interns and coaching. Have you ever had a parent, teacher, coach, pastor or mentor tell you something you did not want to hear, but you knew you needed to hear? I mean the kind of words that hit you like a … Continue reading "Being Called Up" Read the article

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REAL Teams

This article is written by Randy Bloom, US Regional Director In the early years of my ministry I was mentored within an omni-competent pastoral leadership culture. You know the drill: the pastor had all the answers—how to run a youth ministry, how to minister to the elderly, how to reach out to the community, how … Continue reading "REAL Teams" Read the article

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Leadership FATE

This article is written by Tim Sitterley, GCI Regional Director “Team-based pastor-led is how I want to lead,” one pastor shared, “but I don’t have a good record choosing the best leaders for the congregation.” Her statement reminded me of a telling scene in the 1990 movie “Crazy People.” When his coworkers start believing that … Continue reading "Leadership FATE" Read the article

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Leading Leaders

The Call to Engage, Equip, Empower and Encourage By Heber Ticas, GCI pastor and Superintendent of Latin America It was a daunting Sunday afternoon. My wife and I were exhausted from the demands and responsibilities of a growing congregation. As a bi-vocational pastor with a demanding “tent-building” job, it was tough to find time to … Continue reading "Leading Leaders" Read the article

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