Sharing faith, hope and love with grandchildren and other young members. By Bob Regazolli, Grandad and Pastor, Australia One of the joys we experience in our local congregation is seeing the evidence of cross-generational care in children’s and youth ministry. Parents and grandparents are actively involved in the various classes. Some grandparents bring their … Continue reading "Grandparenting and Cross-generational Ministry" Read the article
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By Anthony Mullins, US Regional Director, Southeast I was running late, of my own doing, which increased the anxiety I was feeling about the sermon I was about to preach. My sermon preparation wasn’t up to usual standards and the message was going to be broadcast live to the Facebook world (at least those brave … Continue reading "Member Care Ministry" Read the article
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Many of us don’t like challenges — to be challenged or to challenge others. Yet they are an essential part of leaders working toward being liberators. By David Howe, Pastor, Elkhart and Fort Wayne, Indiana When I was young, I developed a fear of putting my face in water. I couldn’t put it under the … Continue reading "The Necessity of Challenge" Read the article
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A Faith Avenue team cannot be built in a day and requires intentionally engaging and equipping ministry workers. By Michelle Fleming, Media Director How do you measure the health of a church? Some folks would advise to look at measurables like attendance, buildings, and cash. These metrics can be helpful, but they do not measure … Continue reading "Building Faith Avenue Teams" Read the article
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An essential part of Healthy Church is the Faith Avenue. The Faith Avenue creates spaces outside of the Sunday service where discipleship can occur. Connect groups are the core of the Faith Avenue. Check out this month’s Church Hack that outlines the role and purpose of a connect group, and features our new connect group … Continue reading "Church Hack: Faith Avenue Connect Groups" Read the article
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The time between Pentecost and Advent is an essential part of the Christian calendar. By Tim Sitterley, U.S. Regional Director West Like many people, I love the big event. Any excuse to celebrate. New Year’s Eve, Fourth of July, St. Patrick’s Day, Cinco de Mayo…I don’t care. Give me a colorful hat and some seasonal … Continue reading "Ordinary, But Not Mundane" Read the article
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This next season in the Christian calendar is when we allow the extraordinary to become ordinary and the ordinary to become extraordinary. By Cara Garrity, Development Coordinator During the first half of the liturgical year, we focus on the story of Jesus Christ. Through Advent, Christmas, Epiphany, Easter Preparation, Easter, and Pentecost we bear witness … Continue reading "“Extraordinary Ordinary”" Read the article
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A healthy church is always creating spaces where multiplication takes place. Connect groups provide one of those spaces. By Heber Ticas, Superintendent, Latin America These past twelve months have been extremely difficult for many people around the globe. The pandemic has claimed many lives and has disrupted the flow of life for all. One of the … Continue reading "Why Connect Groups?" Read the article
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By Bill Hall, National Director, Canada We are all familiar with the story of what happened on the day of Pentecost: people gathered for the Holy Day, strong winds, fire and then the miracle of speaking in different languages. When the Feast of Pentecost came, they were all together in one place. Without warning there … Continue reading "Pentecost: The God of Great Reversals" Read the article
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Gospel Fluency: Speaking the Truths of Jesus into the Everyday Stuff of Life, by Jeff Vanderstelt Reviewed by Daphne Sydney, Superintendent Australia A Christian man once asked his pastor to please teach him how to evangelize. The wise pastor replied—tell me about the time you first met your wife to be. The man told his … Continue reading "Book Review – Gospel Fluency" Read the article
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