Faith, Hope, & Love Venue Videos

Throughout 2019 we have focused on the Team Based – Pastor Led model for GCI churches. Pastors can set the pace through this overview by helping their congregations achieve health through what we refer to as the three venues of ministry: Faith venue (discipleship)—discipling people in the faith—small groups, discipleship classes,. Bible studies, missionary activities and events. … Continue reading "Faith, Hope, & Love Venue Videos" Read the article

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The Significance of Christmas

Written by Danny Zachariah, Regional Director of the Indian Subcontinent One common reason that some are against celebrating Christmas is: “it’s not in the Bible!” If this reasoning is taken to its logical extreme, there are many things we could not do because “it’s not in the Bible!” Is it vital for believers in Jesus … Continue reading "The Significance of Christmas" Read the article

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Sermon for January 5, 2020

Sermon for January 5, 2020 Watch Listen Download/Subscribe Watch on YouTube Program Transcript + Discussion Watch video on YouTube: Program Transcript Readings: Psalm 147:12-20 • Ephesians 1:3-14 • John 1:1-9;10-18 • Jeremiah 31:7-14 The theme for this week is God’s riches. Each passage discusses feasting and celebration because of God’s riches given to us. … Continue reading "Sermon for January 5, 2020" Read the article

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A Light to Follow

By Lance McKinnon, Grace Communion Seminary The birth of Jesus, accompanied by the visit of the Magi, is an epiphany for us. It opens our eyes to see that the Father sent his Son to draw all people to himself. No matter the distance and darkness that lie between us and the Father, Jesus is … Continue reading "A Light to Follow" Read the article

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