Sermon for May 14, 2023 – 6th Sunday of Easter

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Sermon for May 07, 2023 – 5th Sunday of Easter

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Alive and at Work

Youth often come to believe that Jesus is out of reach. Easter reminds us he is not. On Easter morning, a group of women went looking for Jesus’ tomb. These dedicated disciples sought to honor Jesus by treating his body according to Jewish custom. When they got to the place where his body was laid, … Continue reading "Alive and at Work" Read the article

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Church Hack: Easter Service Tips & Tools

Easter Sunday is the most attended church service every year. It is also a great opportunity to invite those who don’t normally attend to visit your church. Check out the March Church Hack and consider using our linked Easter icons and imagery to make your Easter service last beyond the Hope Avenue experience on Sunday. … Continue reading "Church Hack: Easter Service Tips & Tools" Read the article

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Spiritual Responses for Holy Week and Easter

Adapted and paraphrased from Living the Christian Year, by Bobby Gross. Palm/Passion Sunday – This is a week to follow Jesus and vicariously enter in his suffering. Imagine laying your coat in the road before him as a sign of honor and respect. Wave your palm branch over him as you worship and shout Hosanna, … Continue reading "Spiritual Responses for Holy Week and Easter" Read the article

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Application of the 4 Es in a Healthy Church

Healthy leaders lead to healthy church, which leads to healthy leaders. What might the 4 Es look like in GCI. Check this link for more information. Engage: recognize & recruit As pastors/leaders, we create an environment of recruiting and invitation. This is proactive. We do this by modeling a pattern of recognizing and inviting others … Continue reading "Application of the 4 Es in a Healthy Church" Read the article

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Contextualizing the Process of Development

As with all things in ministry and mission, context matters. By Cara Garrity, Development Coordinator In college I had the opportunity to study abroad in London, UK. My first night there I asked a waitress “where is the bathroom?” After a few strange moments, someone in my group kindly translated for me and asked, “where … Continue reading "Contextualizing the Process of Development" Read the article

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Process of Development

This is the first of a series of articles on the process of development that discusses the 4 Es of Engage, Equip, Empower and Encourage. By Cara Garrity, Development Coordinator What do you think about when you hear the word “development”? What examples come to mind? How would you describe them? One of the images … Continue reading "Process of Development" Read the article

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Resurrection Blessings

“Tis impossible to be sure of anything but Death and Taxes,” said English actor and dramatist, Christopher Bullock in 1716. We can be even more sure of the resurrection. In 1789, Ben Franklin changed Bullock’s statement a bit and said, “In this world, nothing is certain except death and taxes.” Theologically, Ben Franklin’s quote is … Continue reading "Resurrection Blessings" Read the article

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Building Relationships vs Building Exposure

“If your church closed its doors tomorrow, would anyone in the community notice?” By Tim & Linda Sitterley, Regional Director and Pastor. Tim:  As a regional director, I’ve asked many of the pastors in my region the question listed above. It’s an unpopular question, known to pastors throughout the Christian world. It’s a relevant question … Continue reading "Building Relationships vs Building Exposure" Read the article

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