Equipped for a mission-focused
Journey With Jesus

Spiritual Responses for Holy Week and Easter

Adapted and paraphrased from Living the Christian Year, by Bobby Gross.

Palm/Passion Sunday – This is a week to follow Jesus and vicariously enter in his suffering. Imagine laying your coat in the road before him as a sign of honor and respect. Wave your palm branch over him as you worship and shout Hosanna, which is from Psalm 118:25: “Lord, save us! Lord, grant us success.” Then join him as he stops and weeps over Jerusalem (Luke19:28-44). Joyfully welcome Jesus’ presence in your life and join him as he laments over the pain and suffering those in the city will face.

Maundy Thursday – Whether you meet as a group or not, this is a day to reflect on Jesus’ example of servant-leadership. Am I leading and serving as he did? It’s also a day to reflect on the new covenant by which we have been made clean. Finally, it’s the time to recommit to the new commandment he gave: “Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another” (John 13:34). This is the true sign of discipleship (vs. 35).

Good Friday – Today we follow the words of the hymn as we “survey the wondrous cross on which the Prince of glory died.” It’s a time to reflect on Jesus’ words in John 15:13-14: “Greater love has no one than this: to lay down one’s life for one’s friends. You are my friends if you do what I command.”

Holy Saturday – This is a day of reflection, of a quiet awareness of Christ’s death, of the sacrifice he made so that all could be forgiven and adopted. This is a good day to reflect on your baptism and your desire to follow Jesus. Take time to prayerfully recommit yourself to Father, Son, and Spirit.

Easter Sunday – He is Risen! This is a day of wonder and worship as we join the cry heard around the world: Our Savior lives! We are saved by his death, and our sins are carried away. By rising he justifies us and frees us to live in the kingdom. Focus on the resurrection. Shout your praises. In him you have life, power, love, triumph, transformation, hope, and joy.

Easter Season – Focus on all the blessings and the spiritual inheritance you receive through Jesus’ death and resurrection. Live in the new life he has called you to. Rejoice in the communion of the Father, Son, and Spirit, a communion you’ve been invited to. Live in the forgiveness he offers. Leave your burdens at the cross. Live a resurrected life. You are the beloved – be loved.

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