We Have a Beautiful Barn!

We are called to participate in building the kingdom, not building barns or banks. By Glen A Weber, U.S. Central Regional Support Team I grew up on a wheat farm in southeast Wyoming. Every fall we would plant the winter wheat, pray for good weather, and harvest the crop in mid-summer. I remember driving the … Continue reading "We Have a Beautiful Barn!" Read the article

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God Moved into The Neighbourhood

The Word was willing to get into the neighbourhood where we live. By Bill Hall, National Director, Canada In the opening of the Gospel of John we get a different – many would say much bigger – view of Jesus and the Incarnation as opposed to the birth narratives found in Luke and Matthew. The … Continue reading "God Moved into The Neighbourhood" Read the article

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Ministry is Not Hurry, Worry and Flurry

Healthy leaders strive to be a blessing and not a burden to those they are called to lead and serve. By Pastor Bob Regazzoli, Australia We are likely familiar with the story in Exodus when Pharoah rejected Moses’ word from the Lord and made more demands from the captive Israelites. That same day Pharaoh gave … Continue reading "Ministry is Not Hurry, Worry and Flurry" Read the article

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Epiphany: Bringing Things to Light

The people walking in darkness have seen a great light; on those living in the land of deep darkness a light has dawned. (Isaiah 9:2) I enjoy visiting caverns and being amazed at these immense carved out underground spaces. I’m amazed at the stalagmites, stalactites, channels, and underground pools. What always fascinates me during a cave … Continue reading "Epiphany: Bringing Things to Light" Read the article

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