Sermon for November 24, 2019

Sermon for November 24, 2019 Watch Listen Download/Subscribe Watch on YouTube Program Transcript + Discussion Watch video on YouTube: Program Transcript Readings: Jeremiah 23:1-6 • Luke 1:68-79 • Colossians 1:11-20 • Luke 23:33-43 This week’s theme is Christ the King.  Jeremiah 23:1-6 shares the prophecy of the King who will come and rule over … Continue reading "Sermon for November 24, 2019" Read the article

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Sermon for November 17, 2019

Sermon for November 17, 2019 Watch Listen Download/Subscribe Watch on YouTube Program Transcript + Discussion Watch video on YouTube: Program Transcript Readings: Isaiah 65:17-25 • Isaiah 12:1-6 • 2 Thessalonians 3:6-13 • Luke 21:5-19 This week’s theme is created for eternal relationship. The prophet Isaiah talks about our eternal relationship—a time of no dying … Continue reading "Sermon for November 17, 2019" Read the article

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Sermon for November 10, 2019

Sermon for November 10, 2019 Watch Listen Download/Subscribe Watch on YouTube Program Transcript + Discussion Watch video on YouTube: Program Transcript Readings: Haggai 1:15-2:9 • Psalm 145:1-5, 17-21 or Psalm 98 • 2 Thessalonians 2:1-5. 13-17 • Luke 20:27-38 Small Group Discussion Questions From “Speaking of Life” and the sermon. What could possibly unsettle … Continue reading "Sermon for November 10, 2019" Read the article

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Sermon for November 3, 2019

Sermon for November 3, 2019 Watch Listen Download/Subscribe Watch on YouTube Program Transcript + Discussion Watch video on YouTube: Program Transcript Readings: Isaiah 1:10-18 • Psalm 32:1-8 • 2 Thessalonians 1:1-4, 11-12 • Luke 19:1-10 This week’s theme is the joy and transforming power of grace. The prophet Isaiah points out to the sinful … Continue reading "Sermon for November 3, 2019" Read the article

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A Reason for the Hope You Have

By Rick Shallenberger, Equipper Editor For most of my life I wasn’t sure how to deal with Peter’s admonition, “Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have.” The sad reality is no one asked me for the reason of my hope … Continue reading "A Reason for the Hope You Have" Read the article

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What About Evangelism

By Bill Hall, National Director, Canada The seminar on Small Group ministry was nearing a close. The attendees had heard about having an “empty chair” at a small group meeting, creating a safe place for sharing and about the “life cycle” of a group. When I opened the floor for questions and comments, one person … Continue reading "What About Evangelism" Read the article

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Faces of Faith

Do our lives inspire others to say, “I want what you have”? By Tim Sitterley, US Regional Director, West When I was an assistant pastor, one of my responsibilities was coordinating our worship services. This was early in the worship wars, and there was still a great deal of resistance to contemporary choruses and instrumentation … Continue reading "Faces of Faith" Read the article

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The Faith Venue

Living and sharing the gospel One of the most famous Christian misquotes is attributed to Francis of Assisi. In some variation it sounds like this: “Preach the gospel at all times. Use words if necessary.” At face value, this seems to make sense. We are to be lights in a darkened world—and lights are basically … Continue reading "The Faith Venue" Read the article

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