Equipped for a mission-focused
Journey With Jesus

August Equipper

Due to GCI’s Denominational Conference this month, this issue of “Equipper” has limited content. We’ll return in September with a full issue. In the meantime, enjoy the conference and the rest of your summer!

Kid’s Korner: RCL-synced lesson plans
Here is a resource you can use to prepare Children’s Church or Sunday School lessons that are synced with the Revised Common Lectionary.

RCL sermons for September
Here are four sermons synced with the Revised Common Lectionary, covering the 13th through 16th Sundays after Pentecost (in “ordinary time” between Pentecost and Advent):
Sermon for September 3
Sermon for September 10
Sermon for September 17
Sermon for September 24

In case you missed them last month, here are the sermons for August:
Sermon for August 6
Sermon for August 13
Sermon for August 20
Sermon for August 27

One thought on “August Equipper”

  1. Following the other link, Malcolm Muggeridge, has also written an article called “A Man of Conscience
    Dietrich Bonhoeffer”, giving a bit of different view about his involvement with the assassination of Hitler. Both are very inspiring articles. Dietrich Bonhoeffer was certainly centered on the Center, Jesus, to use some of Mr. Deddo’s words. (http://www.plough.com/en/topics/faith/witness/dietrich-bonhoeffer-man-of-conscience).
    Thank you for your help in helping us preparing sermons.


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