Equipped for a mission-focused
Journey With Jesus

Retreating to advance the kingdom

The June issue of “Equipper” (articles and sermons linked below) continues our 2017 focus on renewal, noting how the kingdom of God sometimes is advanced by retreating and other counter-intuitive, even counter-cultural tactics. 

From Greg: Retreating to charge forward
Greg Williams encourages pastors to advance renewal in their congregations by going on a spiritual retreat with their leaders.

Greg tells about retreating to the Smoky Mountains
(public domain via Wikimedia Commons)

On Leadership: Navigating through life: the 5 Gears
Rick Shallenberger shows how leaders can be more effective by achieving balance in life’s “5 gears,” including taking time to recharge.

Clarifying Our Theological Vision, part 3
Gary Deddo looks at how the Holy Spirit’s ministry shapes the Christian life and at the distinction between believers and non-believers.

Kid’s Korner: Discipling through storytelling
A helpful article in Children’s Ministry Magazine explains why and how storytelling is a highly effective way to disciple children.

RCL sermons for July
Here are five sermons synced with the Revised Common Lectionary. They cover the 4th through 8th Sundays following Pentecost.
Sermon for July 2
Sermon for July 9
Sermon for July 16
Sermon for July 23
Sermon for July 30

In case you missed the May Equipper, here are sermons for June:
Sermon for June 4 (Pentecost)
Sermon for June 11 (Trinity Sunday)
Sermon for June 18
Sermon for June 25

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