Worldview Conversion: The Power of Liturgy

This article from Ted Johnston looks at the transformative power that a gospel-shaped liturgy has in converting a person’s worldview to Christ. Though, in the minds of many, the word liturgy conjures up images of rigid, formulaic worship, when rightly shaped and followed, liturgy is a powerful tool for converting a person’s worldview to Christ. Liturgy … Continue reading "Worldview Conversion: The Power of Liturgy" Read the article

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Worldview Conversion: Addressing Idolatry

This article from Charles Fleming continues our series exploring Worldview Conversion and the related topic of Whole-Life Discipleship. For some people, a discussion about worldview seems rather academic and abstract—far removed from day-to-day life. But for those wanting to live a life that is transformed in Christ by the Spirit, few things are more central, … Continue reading "Worldview Conversion: Addressing Idolatry" Read the article

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Healthy Church: R.E.A.L. Teams (part 2)

Last month we defined a healthy leadership team as a R.E.A.L. team—one that is relationally connected (R), enthusiastically engaged (E), affirming (A), and involving liberating leaders (L). The resources below are designed to help congregations develop R.E.A.L. teams in alignment with GCI’s healthy church vision. REAL Teams videos. The videos linked below address four defining and essential characteristics of a R.E.A.L. team. We … Continue reading "Healthy Church: R.E.A.L. Teams (part 2)" Read the article

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Worldview Conversion: Whole-Life Discipleship

Grace Communion Seminary President Gary Deddo continues the series started last month, now looking at how the church can facilitate worldview conversion through a process of whole-life discipleship. Defining the issue Sadly, in the post-Christian Western world, many Christians have (often unknowingly) adopted a worldview that is largely secular—one that yields non-Christian perspectives on the nature … Continue reading "Worldview Conversion: Whole-Life Discipleship" Read the article

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Worldview Conversion: The Role of the Church

GCI Caribbean Nations Mission Developer Charles Fleming continues the series begun last month, now looking at the role the church has in facilitating a process that leads to worldview conversion. How can we, under-shepherds of the Great Shepherd Jesus Christ, help our members understand the need many of them have for the conversion of their personal … Continue reading "Worldview Conversion: The Role of the Church" Read the article

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Healthy Church: Connection Card

Here from the GCI Venue Resources is an infographic that shows how to use a connection card in you congregation as a tool for connecting with visitors and guests who attend your worship services and outreach events. The infographic provides a template to use in producing a locally branded connection card (click on the image below to … Continue reading "Healthy Church: Connection Card" Read the article

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Healthy Church: R.E.A.L. Teams (part 1)

A vital aspect of realizing our vision for Healthy Church is having in place what we call R.E.A.L. Teams. For details, check out the infographic below (click to enlarge). We encourage you to discuss this information with your leaders to help you grow in the practice of team-based ministry. Read the article

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Healthy Church: Faith, Hope & Love Avenues

In recent travels visiting GCI conferences and congregations around the world, I’ve been addressing our vision for Healthy Church. A key aspect of realizing that vision is having in place within each of our congregations what we call the “faith, hope & love avenues”—places where, by the Spirit, church health emerges. Below is  our Team … Continue reading "Healthy Church: Faith, Hope & Love Avenues" Read the article

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