Church Hack: Discerning Gifting and Calling

Every member of the body of Christ has the same primary calling. But God gives us different gifts (Romans 12:4-8) and invites us into a diversity of second callings. We can think of second callings as personal response to the primary calling of Christ. Then, our God-given gifts, our passions, our experiences, our contexts, become … Continue reading "Church Hack: Discerning Gifting and Calling" Read the article

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Reader’s Theater for Good Friday or Easter Sunday

He Is Risen By Rick Shallenberger, Editor The format is “Reader’s Theater.” You are all telling different views of the same story. In this particular Reader’s Theater format, you aren’t really in conversation with each other, but you will be feeding off each other’s comments – as if the words they said just triggered your … Continue reading "Reader’s Theater for Good Friday or Easter Sunday" Read the article

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Dramatic Readings – Voices of Easter

By Rick Shallenberger, Editor Sometimes you can make a point through a dramatic reading. Dramatic readings present possible emotions and intensity of stories or characters we find in the Bible. They are not direct quotes from the Bible. As John tells us, if everything Jesus said or did was written, there would not be enough … Continue reading "Dramatic Readings – Voices of Easter" Read the article

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The Value of Ministry Job Descriptions

A well-crafted job description helps a person see where he or she is in the big picture and in what ways he or she can support the vision and mission toward Healthy Church. By Eugene Guzon, Superintendent Asia There is a story you may have heard about four people named Everybody, Somebody, Anybody, and Nobody. … Continue reading "The Value of Ministry Job Descriptions" Read the article

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Finding Rest for Their Souls

Teaching the joy of spiritual practices. If you are anything like me, you have heard some interesting teaching on the spiritual disciplines. One preacher taught that all Christians had to pray for one hour on their knees every morning to have an acceptable devotional life. To this person, prayer was a transaction — we give … Continue reading "Finding Rest for Their Souls" Read the article

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Strategies Aiding Congregational Growth

Small shifts can lead to revolutionary results. By Michelle Fleming, Communications Director A New Year is often an opportunity to develop new habits and make changes to improve quality of life. By the end of January, 64% of people who have made resolutions are successful in maintaining their intended changes. For a variety of reasons, … Continue reading "Strategies Aiding Congregational Growth" Read the article

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Place-sharers are Hopeful!

The beauty of place-sharing is that it helps you understand that you’re not alone. By Elizabeth Mullins, GCI Publications Coordinator (Note from author: This story mentions the sensitive topic of suicide.) I have wonderful friends and family invested in place-sharing. Most of the place-sharing I’ve experienced takes place in established relationships. However, one of the … Continue reading "Place-sharers are Hopeful!" Read the article

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Whose Acts?

Faith, hope and love keep our focus where it should be – on Jesus. By Bob Regazzoli, Pastor, Australia Editor’s note: When I was a pastor, I was intrigued with the words “inward, upward, and outward” to describe our calling and mission. Others used “belong, believe, become,” to help their congregation understand their mission and … Continue reading "Whose Acts?" Read the article

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Process of Development w/ Greg Williams

Video unavailable (video not checked). Download/Subscribe Download Audio RSS Feed Apple Podcast Google Podcast Spotify Stitcher Program Transcript + Listen to audio: In this episode, Cara Garrity, interviews GCI President, Greg Williams. Together they discuss how the 4 Es fit together into the bigger picture of the process of development, and it supports GCI’s … Continue reading "Process of Development w/ Greg Williams" Read the article

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Gospel Reverb – Wake Up, Sleeper! w/ Marty Folsom

Video unavailable (video not checked). Download/Subscribe Download Audio RSS Feed Apple Podcast Google Podcast Spotify Stitcher Podcast Addict Program Transcript + Listen to audio: In this episode, Dr. Marty Folsom joins our host, Anthony Mullins. Marty is a Relational Theologian, who completed his Ph.D. with Alan Torrance and Douglas Campbell, asking what it means … Continue reading "Gospel Reverb – Wake Up, Sleeper! w/ Marty Folsom" Read the article

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