Equipped for a mission-focused
Journey With Jesus

Roadblocks to Growth

As your teams continually work toward healthy church, here are some roadblocks you might face, and some strategies to guide you along the way.

By Michelle Fleming, GCI Communications Director

If you’re anything like me, the idea of trying something new is completely different from the reality of it. Creative is one of my top voices, so facilitating a brainstorm session, making a plan for a new experience, or developing a new iteration of an old process are all my jam.

But something happens when I go to move from provisional to plan when developing something new. I hit a speed bump or roadblock that requires me to persevere as I work toward my goal. The reasons may be different for different voice and personality types, but I think the idea versus actual experience disparity of trying something new is common for all of us.

Although many of us have served in ministry for a large part of our lives, and we are in year five of adopting to the Team Based – Pastor Led model of ministry, many of our ministry processes are still new to us. Continually evolving technology, new means of communication, and shifting cultural rhythms and norms have us changing the way we connect with and minister to our neighbors.

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