Sermon for October 27, 2019

Sermon for October 27, 2019 Watch Listen Download/Subscribe Watch on YouTube Program Transcript + Discussion Watch video on YouTube: Program Transcript Readings: Joel 2:23-32 • Psalm 65:1-14 • 2 Timothy 4:6-8, 16-18 • Luke 18:9-14 This week’s theme is Focus not on what we’ve done or gone through; focus on who has gone through … Continue reading "Sermon for October 27, 2019" Read the article

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Sermon for October 20, 2019

Sermon for October 20, 2019 Watch Listen Download/Subscribe Watch on YouTube Program Transcript + Discussion Watch video on YouTube: Program Transcript Readings: Jeremiah 31:27-34 • Psalm 119:97-104 • 2 Timothy 3:14-4:5 • Luke 18:1-8 This week’s theme is I am your God; you are my beloved. The prophet Jeremiah reminded the Israelites that God … Continue reading "Sermon for October 20, 2019" Read the article

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Calling Up vs Calling Out

In GCI, we pursue Christ-centered relationships and seek to serve each other with high support, high challenge—with grace always. Bringing challenge in a healthy way can be difficult. This month we are focusing on the difference between calling up and calling out, in order to be liberating leaders who empower others. Click the link below … Continue reading "Calling Up vs Calling Out" Read the article

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Sermon for October 13, 2019

Sermon for October 13, 2019 Watch Listen Download/Subscribe Watch on YouTube Program Transcript + Discussion Watch video on YouTube: Program Transcript Readings: Jeremiah 29:1, 4-7 • Psalm 66:1-11 • 2 Timothy 2:8-15 • Luke 17:11-19 This week’s theme is: Even in exile, God is with you. The prophet Jeremiah told the Israelites to build … Continue reading "Sermon for October 13, 2019" Read the article

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Sermon for October 6, 2019

Sermon for October 6, 2019 Watch Listen Download/Subscribe Watch on YouTube Program Transcript + Discussion Watch video on YouTube: Program Transcript Readings: Habakkuk 1:1-4, 2:1-4 • Psalm 37:1-10 • 2 Timothy 1:1-14 • Luke 17:5-10 This week’s theme is to Don’t let circumstances shake your faith. The prophet Habakkuk asked God how long he … Continue reading "Sermon for October 6, 2019" Read the article

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Bring Them Here to Me

By Jeff Broadnax, US GenMin Coordinator “Starting a youth/children’s ministry in a congregation like ours feels like trying to feed the 5,000 with five loaves and two fish!” I have heard this sentiment dozens of times in my role as GenMin Coordinator. We want “Kids Korner” to serve as an encouragement and resource for you … Continue reading "Bring Them Here to Me" Read the article

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Using the RCL

Participating in a three-year plan to preach through the Bible By Bill Hall, National Director for Canada I still remember the day 21 years ago when I started in my first pastorate. In my discussions with the outgoing pastor, he mentioned that it would be beneficial to meet with some pastors from other denominations who … Continue reading "Using the RCL" Read the article

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Preaching With Passion

Grabbing people’s attention with stories and passion By Randy Bloom, US East Regional Director Jesus used storytelling in powerful ways. We call many of these stories parables. He illustrated that one of the most effective ways to prepare inspirational sermons is to include stories in them. Jesus’ stories challenged people. At one level, many of … Continue reading "Preaching With Passion" Read the article

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Foundation of Inspirational Sermons

The difference between teaching and preaching By Randy Bloom, US East Regional Director When was the last time you heard an inspirational sermon? When was the last time you preached one? (I used the word, “preach.” You’ll see why later.) These may be difficult questions to ask and answer. I’ve heard some inspirational sermons. I … Continue reading "Foundation of Inspirational Sermons" Read the article

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Being Real

Pastors and leaders are growing too It had been a rough week and I was not in the best mood. It was one of those weeks full of challenges—personal and work-related— and I felt God wasn’t answering my prayers and giving me what I believed I needed. I started complaining to my wife about going … Continue reading "Being Real" Read the article

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