Equipped for a mission-focused
Journey With Jesus

Challenges in leadership and life

This issue looks at challenges church leaders face at church and in their personal lives. Also included are the July Prayer Guide, articles on leadership and suffering, and RCL-synced sermons for August.

From Greg: Mind the Gap
GCI Vice President (and Incoming President) Greg Williams urges GCI leaders to take action now to close the gaps between what we say we value and what we actually do.

Prayer Guide: July 2018
Here are topics from our GCI family to pray about each day in July.

On Leadership: Power Test
Rick Shallenberger examines a primary source of a leader’s influence.

God’s Answer to Suffering
Gary Deddo addresses the question: Why does God allow us to suffer?

Kid’s Korner: We Believe
Lance McKinnon reviews GCI’s new tool for discipling kids.

RCL sermons
Here are the Revised Common Lectionary-synced sermons for August:
– Sermon for August 5, 2018
Sermon for August 12, 2018
Sermon for August 19, 2018
– Sermon for August 26, 2018

In case you missed them, here are the sermons for July:
Sermon for July 1, 2018
Sermon for July 8, 2018
Sermon for July 15, 2018
Sermon for July 22, 2018
Sermon for July 29, 2018

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