In the Western-Christian tradition, Advent and Christmas celebrate the coming (advent) of Jesus Christ into the world. Advent-themed worship services are held on the four Sundays leading up to Christmas (in 2017 the first Sunday of Advent is November 27). Advent celebrations often follow the progressive themes of Hope, Love, Joy and Peace (sometimes in a different order). By beginning with Hope, Advent looks forward to Jesus’ “second coming,” which then points back to his Incarnation, followed by the celebration of Jesus’ birth on Christmas.

Below are resources for celebrating Advent and Christmas. Up first are four short Advent-themed videos from GCI media. They would make excellent sermon-starters, or accompaniment for lighting the Advent candles. Following the videos are other resources you may find helpful.
- GCI articles about Advent and Christmas
- Advent and Christmas articles by Dennis Bracher
- Dramatic readings for Christmas
- Hanging of the Greens worship service (first Sunday of Advent)
- A series of sermons for the season (from LifeWay)
- Nativity-themed Christmas service
- Advent and Christmas lectionaries (RCL, year A)