Sermon Summary: Parable of the fig tree

In a sermon titled “Is God an Ax Murderer?, Pastor Lance McKinnon looks at Jesus’ well-known, but not well-understood parable of the fig tree.  Scripture reading: Luke 13:1-9 (NIV) There were some present at that very time who told [Jesus] about the Galileans whose blood Pilate had mingled with their sacrifices. And he answered them, “Do … Continue reading "Sermon Summary: Parable of the fig tree" Read the article

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From Greg: It’s not about numbers

Dear fellow ministers of Christ, For the first 14 years of my life, with my family I attended the Advent Christian Church. It was such a small denomination that I only knew of one sister church, some 40 miles away. I came to realize that many of their teachings originated with the 1900s Baptist preacher … Continue reading "From Greg: It’s not about numbers" Read the article

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Worship in fellowship groups

Below are the five articles in the September issue of Equipper, which focuses on conducting worship services in fellowship groups. Enjoy!   — Ted Johnston, editor From Greg: It’s not about numbers Drawing from his childhood, Greg Williams points out the advantages of worship in fellowship group-sized congregations. Here’s what it looks like: Fellowship group … Continue reading "Worship in fellowship groups" Read the article

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Tips for facilitating discussions in fellowship groups

Lee Berger, pastor of GCI’s Longview, TX, congregation, shares what he has learned about facilitating fellowship group discussions.  We can all learn much by sharing in the experiences and thoughts of other people. When a group of folks gets together, we hope for a profitable, open, positive discussion—but this result does not automatically happen. I’ll … Continue reading "Tips for facilitating discussions in fellowship groups" Read the article

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Here’s what it looks like: Fellowship group worship

Equipper editor Ted Johnston shares a video that demonstrates a discussion-based Fellowship Group worship service. He then offers some observations. As Greg mentions in his cover letter, at the 2016 GCI-USA Regional Conferences we addressed the whys and hows of fellowship groups. In one workshop we held a foreshortened fellowship group worship service to show … Continue reading "Here’s what it looks like: Fellowship group worship" Read the article

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