Equipped for a mission-focused
Journey With Jesus

Cultivating generosity

This month’s Equipper (see the five articles linked below) focuses on our calling to follow the Spirit in cultivating generosity in our personal lives and within our congregations. Enjoy! -Ted Johnston, editor

From Greg: Live and preach generosity
Greg Williams discusses our calling as church leaders to practice and teach the spiritual discipline of generosity.

Used with permission
Used with permission

Nurturing a culture of generosity
Randy Bloom shows how pastors and ministry leaders can develop a culture of generosity within their congregations.

The life-giving power of generosity
Paul David Kurts writes about how we can live out our calling to be generous, like God is generous.  

Sermon summary: Generous God, generous life
Ted Johnston offers a sermon that explores the teachings of Jesus (recorded in Luke) involving living a generous life that participates in God’s own generosity.

Kid’s Korner: What do kids need from church?
Susi Albrecht and Nancy Akers explore how small churches, with a generous spirit, can capitalize on their small size to maximize ministry to children.

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