Sermon for September 11, 2022 – Proper 19

Watch Listen Download/Subscribe Download Audio Download Video Low Res Video Thumbnail Watch on YouTube RSS Feed Google Podcast Spotify Program Transcript + Discussion Watch video on YouTube: Program Transcript Speaking Of Life 4042 │ Loving Us Out of Lostness Michelle Fleming Since the pandemic lockdown starting in March 2020, there have been seasons of … Continue reading "Sermon for September 11, 2022 – Proper 19" Read the article

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Sermon for September 4, 2022 – Proper 18

Watch Listen Download/Subscribe Download Audio Download Video Low Res Video Thumbnail Watch on YouTube RSS Feed Google Podcast Spotify Program Transcript + Discussion Watch video on YouTube: Program Transcript Speaking of Life 4041 | Refresh the Hearts of the Saints Greg Williams Have you ever had friends who have hurt one another deeply and … Continue reading "Sermon for September 4, 2022 – Proper 18" Read the article

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Sermon for August 28, 2022 – Proper 17

Speaking of Life Script 4040 | Living Your Best Life Watch Listen Download/Subscribe Download Audio Download Video Low Res Video Thumbnail Watch on YouTube RSS Feed Google Podcast Spotify Program Transcript + Watch video on YouTube: Program Transcript Speaking of Life Script 4040 | Living Your Best Life Greg Williams You’ve heard the phrase, … Continue reading "Sermon for August 28, 2022 – Proper 17" Read the article

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Sermon for August 21, 2022 – Proper 16

Speaking of Life 4039 | Remembering God’s Goodness Watch Listen Download/Subscribe Download Audio Download Video Low Res Video Thumbnail Watch on YouTube RSS Feed Google Podcast Spotify Program Transcript + Discussion Watch video on YouTube: Program Transcript Speaking of Life 4039 | Remembering God’s Goodness Cara Garrity Have you ever left home without your … Continue reading "Sermon for August 21, 2022 – Proper 16" Read the article

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Sermon for August 14, 2022 – Proper 15

Speaking of Life Script 4038 | Wrong-Way Drivers Watch Listen Download/Subscribe Download Audio Download Video Low Res Video Thumbnail Watch on YouTube RSS Feed Google Podcast Spotify Program Transcript + Discussion Watch video on YouTube: Program Transcript Speaking of Life Script 4038 | Wrong-Way Drivers Greg Williams Here is a funny story you may … Continue reading "Sermon for August 14, 2022 – Proper 15" Read the article

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Sermon for August 7, 2022 – Proper 14

Speaking of Life 4037 | Invisible Reality Watch Listen Download/Subscribe Download Audio Download Video Low Res Video Thumbnail Watch on YouTube RSS Feed Google Podcast Spotify Program Transcript + Discussion Watch video on YouTube: Program Transcript Speaking of Life 4037 | Invisible Reality Heber Ticas If you never saw a tree, you would have … Continue reading "Sermon for August 7, 2022 – Proper 14" Read the article

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Sermon for July 31, 2022 – Proper 13

Speaking of Life 4036 | Not So Buried Treasure Watch Listen Download/Subscribe Download Audio Download Video Low Res Video Thumbnail Watch on YouTube RSS Feed Google Podcast Spotify Program Transcript + Discussion Watch video on YouTube: Program Transcript Speaking of Life Script 4036 | Not So Buried Treasure Greg Williams You have probably heard … Continue reading "Sermon for July 31, 2022 – Proper 13" Read the article

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Sermon for July 24, 2022 – Proper 12

Speaking Of Life 4035 | Debt Forgiveness in Christ Watch Listen Download/Subscribe Download Audio Download Video Low Res Video Thumbnail Watch on YouTube RSS Feed Google Podcast Spotify Program Transcript + Discussion Watch video on YouTube: Program Transcript Speaking Of Life Script 4035 | Debt Forgiveness in Christ Cara Garrity          In The United States … Continue reading "Sermon for July 24, 2022 – Proper 12" Read the article

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Sermon for July 17, 2022 – Proper 11

Speaking of Life 4034 | Mrs. Fidget Watch Listen Download/Subscribe Download Audio Download Video Low Res Video Thumbnail Watch on YouTube RSS Feed Google Podcast Spotify Program Transcript + Discussion Watch video on YouTube: Program Transcript Speaking of Life Script 4034 | Mrs. Fidget Greg Williams In C.S. Lewis’ book, The Four Loves, Lewis … Continue reading "Sermon for July 17, 2022 – Proper 11" Read the article

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Sermon for July 10, 2022 – Proper 10

Speaking of Life 4033 | Filled Watch Listen Download/Subscribe Download Audio Download Video Low Res Video Thumbnail Watch on YouTube RSS Feed Google Podcast Spotify Program Transcript + Discussion Watch video on YouTube: Program Transcript Speaking of Life 4033 | Filled Heber Ticas Aristotle is quoted as saying, “Nature abhors a vacuum.” He was … Continue reading "Sermon for July 10, 2022 – Proper 10" Read the article

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