The Avenues Focused on Advent and Christmas

The anticipation, hope, and love of Advent unite us all. By Matthew Sianidis, Hope Avenue Champion, Mooroolbark, Melbourne, Australia If you live in the Northern Hemisphere, my experience of the Advent and Christmas seasons is different than your experience. I live in Australia and these worship seasons occur in summer. It’s hot, and the days … Continue reading "The Avenues Focused on Advent and Christmas" Read the article

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RCL Resources for 2025

Dear Pastors, Hope Avenue Champions, and Worship Leaders, As we look ahead to the liturgical year of 2024-2025, I am pleased to share the upcoming pericopes that will guide our worship and preaching throughout the year. You can access the pericopes here, Year C 2024- 2025. In partnership with our Media Team, we are excited … Continue reading "RCL Resources for 2025" Read the article

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Ready for an ADVENTure?

Here are some Advent ideas for your congregation/fellowship group. By Phillip Hopwood, Elder Emeritus, Australia Celebration and worship are at the heart of communal spiritual formation. Advent marks the beginning of our worship calendar, setting us off on the journey once again, providing a season of opportunity to join together in learning about and responding … Continue reading "Ready for an ADVENTure?" Read the article

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Learning to Fight the Good Fight

Most of our fights are not physical. By Rick Shallenberger, Editor Several years ago, two friends and I were walking home from a restaurant talking and laughing as we crossed the street. We barely noticed the young men heading in the opposite direction. We rounded a corner and suddenly my friend James let out a … Continue reading "Learning to Fight the Good Fight" Read the article

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Celebrating in Hope

Nuts and bolts of the Hope Avenue By Linda Rex, Elder Our journey in GCI towards Healthy Church includes a deeper understanding of our hope in Christ. Our Hope Avenue team ensures that our Sunday services provide a warm welcome, fellowship, worship, and inspired preaching, which refresh us with the hope of Jesus. Markers of … Continue reading "Celebrating in Hope" Read the article

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A Big Thank You to Our Pastors

October is Pastor Appreciation Month, and we want to acknowledge that our pastors are reflections of Jesus Christ. By Audie Santibanez, Pastor and National Director, Philippines We want to take time to share our appreciation for our pastors. Thank you for all you do that we see, and thank you for all you do that … Continue reading "A Big Thank You to Our Pastors" Read the article

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Our Life of Faith

What does a healthy Faith Avenue look like? By Linda Rex, Elder As GCI moves toward healthy church, one of the areas we seek to grow in is that of faith. We want to grow up in Christ and draw closer to God. We want to draw closer to one another and connect with our … Continue reading "Our Life of Faith" Read the article

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A Church Plant Experience

The Story of our little church plant in Market Harborough, UK By Sinead Henderson, GCI UK When you hear the call of Jesus to plant a new church community, you answer. You don’t have all the details, how it will pan out, or if it will even work, but you just step out in faith … Continue reading "A Church Plant Experience" Read the article

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Church Hack: Team Manifesto

Reflect the unity of the Trinity in your ministry teams with a team manifesto!  Discover how this powerful tool can align your team’s purpose, goals, and values. Start building your team’s road map today! Access the latest Church Hack for this month: Read the article

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