Mission Simplified

A mission opportunity right in my front yard. By Rick Shallenberger, Editor Because I travel a lot during the summer, I hired a guy (Bill) to mow my lawn when I’m out of town. For the first year, I rarely saw Bill and my interactions with him consisted of sending him a check each month. … Continue reading "Mission Simplified" Read the article

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Nehemiah: A Model of Leadership

Nehemiah became the ministry role model that I needed for my personal development as a ministry leader. By Dishon Mills, Pastor Charlotte, NC I remember the moment when I first transitioned into the role of ministry leader. I was the youth minister at a Pentecostal congregation, and we needed more volunteers to keep up with … Continue reading "Nehemiah: A Model of Leadership" Read the article

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Art of Mentoring | Mentoring as Ministry

“The Art of Mentoring” series dives into the deep impact of mentoring as a powerful connection that can bring about significant changes. In this special bond, people gain valuable things like time, wisdom, experiences, and insights in a way that’s right for them. Going beyond just an idea, Aron Tolentino and Audie Santibanez explore how … Continue reading "Art of Mentoring | Mentoring as Ministry" Read the article

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Church Hack: Rule of Life

“A rule for life is a simple statement of the regular rhythms we choose in order to present our bodies to God as our ‘spiritual act of worship’ (Romans 12:1). Each rule, or rhythm, is a way we partner with God for the transformation only he can bring. Rules keep our lives from devolving into … Continue reading "Church Hack: Rule of Life" Read the article

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Churches and the Crisis of Decline

A Book Review By Anthony Mullins, Church Planter, Durham, NC A Church Like Ours I read this book based on the recommendation of a trusted friend while also being compelled to read because of the intriguing title, Churches and the Crisis of Decline. According to a National Congregational Study survey taken in 2020, there are … Continue reading "Churches and the Crisis of Decline" Read the article

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Killing Time in Ordinary Time

They devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching and fellowship, to the breaking of bread and the prayers. Acts 2:42 By Elizabeth Mullins, Publications Coordinator At my local pharmacy, I am scrolling through my phone while I wait for my prescription. I see my neighbor, Clyde, seated in the waiting area. We catch up; he tells … Continue reading "Killing Time in Ordinary Time" Read the article

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The Tale of Two Fig Trees

Jesus uses fig trees to show how change is needed. Glen A Weber – Regional Support Team, Central Region As part of the Easter Season, it’s good to reflect on some of the lessons Jesus shared as he spent time with his disciples. We often read passages that are so familiar we can pass right … Continue reading "The Tale of Two Fig Trees" Read the article

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Art of Mentoring

“The Art of Mentoring” series dives into the deep impact of mentoring as a powerful connection that can bring about significant changes. In this special bond, people gain valuable things like time, wisdom, experiences, and insights in a way that’s right for them. Just like other relationships we build, mentoring comes in many forms, each … Continue reading "Art of Mentoring" Read the article

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Church Hack: Love Avenue Practices

The ministry of the Love Avenue is to WITNESS—to witness is a relational, incarnational, active, missional proclamation and demonstration of the good news of Jesus. Getting to know our neighbors—mapping our neighborhood—is a critical function of the Love Avenue. Afterall, how can we love those we do not know or be neighbors to those we … Continue reading "Church Hack: Love Avenue Practices" Read the article

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Easter Guest Follow-Up

All three Avenues can and should be involved in following up with Easter guests. By Jep Parcasio, Pastor, Philippines Easter Sunday is one of the most observed celebrations in the worship calendar aside from Christmas. Thus, it is important for local churches to be intentional in how we follow up with guests, especially in coordination with … Continue reading "Easter Guest Follow-Up" Read the article

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