Worship: Putting Others First

What does a guest think when they experience your worship service? By Randy Bloom, Regional Director, Northeast “Honey, we have some new neighbors. Let’s invite them over for dinner.” “That’s a great idea, let’s do it. What should we fix for dinner?” “Oh, I don’t know. Let’s just have our leftovers from the other day. … Continue reading "Worship: Putting Others First" Read the article

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Sermon for February 9, 2020

Sermon for February 9, 2020 Watch Listen Download/Subscribe Watch on YouTube Program Transcript + Discussion Watch video on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fe3_PW6khz0 Program Transcript Isaiah 58:1-12 • Psalm 112:1-9 • I Cor. 2:1-12 • Matthew 5:13-20 The theme this week is our generosity to others brings glory to God. The Psalmist points out the blessings of being … Continue reading "Sermon for February 9, 2020" Read the article

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Sermon for February 2, 2020

Sermon for February 2, 2020 Watch Listen Download/Subscribe Watch on YouTube Program Transcript + Watch video on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6LksFOsHylU Program Transcript Micah6:1-8 · Psalm 15:1-5 · 1 Corinthians 1:18-31 · Matthew 5:1-12 The theme for this week is the “foolish” wisdom of God; his ways are not our ways. Micah 6:1-8 narrows down all the … Continue reading "Sermon for February 2, 2020" Read the article

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Church Hack – Call to Worship

In our constantly connected and fast-paced world, the call to worship is an opportunity to intentionally attune the hearts and minds of the congregation to our glorious God. It is powerful to remember that God is the one who calls to us and to corporately reflect on the same truth about his character and involvement … Continue reading "Church Hack – Call to Worship" Read the article

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Welcoming Guests

By Heber Ticas, Superintendent of South America Growing up in the church and after 20 years of pastoral ministry, I have often witnessed how church attendees tend to gravitate to those with whom they have an established relationship. This is natural; however, the downside is that guests who visit a church for the first or … Continue reading "Welcoming Guests" Read the article

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Focusing on Hope

Where do you turn when you are feeling hopeless? There have been a number of times in my life when I felt hopeless. The first time I remember was when I was 12 and two of my sisters were killed in a car accident. My family and I were in New York, miles from home, … Continue reading "Focusing on Hope" Read the article

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