Discernment and Strategy

Jesus teaches us that both are necessary for healthy church. By Heber Ticas, Regional Director Some see discernment and strategy as two separate means to determining a course of action and almost treat discernment and strategy as enemies. Sometimes we move forward on discernment; sometimes we follow a specific strategy. But what if the Holy … Continue reading "Discernment and Strategy" Read the article

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2024 Easter Graphic Package

To extend our support as our congregations prepare for Easter, we’ve put together a special Easter package just for you and your congregation. Inside, you’ll find assets and PowerPoint slides designed with themed images and inspiring quotes. Our hope is that these resources will add a touch of joy and meaning to your Easter preparations. … Continue reading "2024 Easter Graphic Package" Read the article

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Church Hack: Worship Calendar Practices

In the rhythm of our global GCI congregations, we find unity through our shared engagement with the worship calendar. This month’s Church Hack extends a helping hand, to assist both congregations and individuals in comprehending and actively participating in the rhythm of the liturgical calendar. To learn more about cultivating holistic discipleship and spiritual growth … Continue reading "Church Hack: Worship Calendar Practices" Read the article

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New Covenant Patterns of Worship

Jesus’ worship model invites the believer not to come and watch, but to come and participate in worship. By Takalani Musekwa, Regional Director, South Africa One of the key ways to advance towards a Healthy Church is to understand the difference between the Old Covenant and the New Covenant models of worship. By making the … Continue reading "New Covenant Patterns of Worship" Read the article

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Paul’s Healthy Church Message in Galatians

Healthy Church Development Series By Cara Garrity, Development Think back to the image of caretaking plants as a metaphor for tending to the health of our local congregation. (See January Equipper.) Assessing and responding to signs of health and unhealth in the life of the local congregation is an act of stewardship – and it … Continue reading "Paul’s Healthy Church Message in Galatians" Read the article

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A Resolution vs a MAP

Accountability helps us keep our MAP a workable plan rather than a wish list or something to make the leadership happy. By Tim Sitterley, Regional Director US West. As I sit down to write this, we are two weeks into the new year. This is the point when many New Year’s resolutions start to wear … Continue reading "A Resolution vs a MAP" Read the article

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Nathaniel’s Plans for Passion Week

“I saw you under the fig tree.” By Rick Shallenberger I love how The Chosen shares the story of Nathaniel (Barthalamew in the other Gospel accounts). In the drama series, which uses artistic imagination to add backstories for characters, Nathaniel was portrayed as an architect who dreamed of building beautiful synagogues for God. Due to … Continue reading "Nathaniel’s Plans for Passion Week" Read the article

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Spiritual Practices for Holy Week

“The function of prayer is not to influence God, but rather to change the nature of the one who prays.” Soren Kierkegaard By Anthony Mullins, Church Planter, Durham, NC I suspect Danish theologian and philosopher Soren Kierkegaard was on to something truthful with the above statement. Prayer forms the person who prays. It forms us by … Continue reading "Spiritual Practices for Holy Week" Read the article

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Church Hack: Discernment

On any given day, the average person tackles around 35,000 decisions, spanning from what to eat for dinner to pivotal choices like job offers. The comforting aspect in this decision overload is that the Holy Spirit equips us with the gift of discernment to navigate these choices. For more information on discernment download the January … Continue reading "Church Hack: Discernment" Read the article

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Spiritual Formation for Easter Preparation

Silence and solitude help us fully appreciate that God is always seeking us and inviting us to participate with him. By Carmen Fleming, GCI-US Home Church Member Some of us arrive at Easter Sunday without any preparation for such an extraordinary celebration – the fact that Jesus conquered death! I am guilty! Sometimes the message … Continue reading "Spiritual Formation for Easter Preparation" Read the article

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