The Power of Retreats

A retreat is one of the most effective means of building a team.. By Micheal Rasmussen, Superintendent, North America and Caribbean I discovered the power of retreats a little more than 20 years ago when I was invited by our now president, Greg Williams, to join him at a retreat to discuss moving from a … Continue reading "The Power of Retreats" Read the article

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Nehemiah: A Visionary, Missional, and Strategic Leader

A visionary leader articulates and applies future thinking in ways that engages and motivates others. By Heber Ticas, Superintendent of Latin America You may remember God’s calling on the life of Nehemiah. Nehemiah was called from the palatial life of being King Artaxerxes’ cupbearer to his turbulent ancestry city of Jerusalem. His mission was to … Continue reading "Nehemiah: A Visionary, Missional, and Strategic Leader" Read the article

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Pentecost – Jesus’ First Return

In that day you will know that I am in my Father, and you in me, and I in you. John 14:20 ESV I spent most of my life praying for Jesus to return and ignoring the truth that he already did in a very real way. Now before you think I’m changing doctrine, please … Continue reading "Pentecost – Jesus’ First Return" Read the article

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Jesus’ New Ministry

The Ascension signaled the end of one ministry, and the beginning of another. The disciples had been through a lot; they had seen the good, the bad and the ugly of Jesus’ time on earth. They had seen many miracles – water into wine, healings, thousands fed from a boy’s lunch, demons exorcised, storms halted … Continue reading "Jesus’ New Ministry" Read the article

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Easter Jubilee

Celebrating the resurrection is much, much more than a day. After completing 40 days in preparation for Jesus’ resurrection, the church fathers set aside 50 days to celebrate that resurrection. Why 50 days? For a number of reasons, including these listed below. It was 50 days later when the Holy Spirit was poured out on … Continue reading "Easter Jubilee" Read the article

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Easter Preparation

The Easter prep (Lent) season, which begins on Ash Wednesday and continues until Holy Saturday, is full of meaning for us.  On Wednesday, February 14, millions of our brothers and sisters around the globe will have a bit of ash on their foreheads in the form of a cross. Though our denomination doesn’t observe this … Continue reading "Easter Preparation" Read the article

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The “aha” moments of seeing the Light. There are three “aha” events associated with the season of Epiphany. They are the visit of the Magi (wise men) from the East, Jesus’ baptism by John in the river Jordan, and Jesus’ first miracle of turning water into wine. What is your “aha” moment? The Magi and … Continue reading "Epiphany" Read the article

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The Incarnation

The greatest event that has a beginning, but no end. I love the way the apostle John starts his Gospel, “In the beginning…” What is he referring to? The beginning of the creation? The beginning of the earth? The beginning of the universe? The beginning of time? The beginning of the plan of God? We … Continue reading "The Incarnation" Read the article

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The Greatest Celebration

Preparing for the birth of a child leads to a time of great celebration. I’ll never forget preparing our home for our first child. We didn’t have the internet to tell us what we’d need to prepare for our first child. Today you can go to several websites that give you lists to help you … Continue reading "The Greatest Celebration" Read the article

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The Truth About Healthy Church

A healthy church is filled with those who need healing. A man I highly respected made a statement that stuck with me. He said for years he looked for the perfect church in hopes he could join and be among those wonderful believers. But when he joined, he realized two things: one, his presence made … Continue reading "The Truth About Healthy Church" Read the article

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