Equipped for a mission-focused
Journey With Jesus

Pre-2016 Issue Archive


December 2015 Mentoring Millennials

November 2015 Bi-vocational pastors

October 2015 Ministry coaching

September 2015 Welcoming Community: Small Groups

August 2015 Fellowship Groups

July 2015 Developing church volunteer teams

June 2015 Identifying your focus group

May 2015 Leadership succession

April 2015 Sharing in Jesus’ ministry of reconciliation; discipleship through loving relationship

March 2015 Ministry effectiveness; Trinitarian Theology and mission

February 2015 Concerning church health, joining Jesus in mission

January 2015 Re-visioning your church, participating in church planting


December 2014 On mission with Jesus; theology of mission

November 2014 The Christmas message: unexpected grace for unexpected people

October 2014 Personal invitations – When small is better

September 2014 Mission and Theology

August 2014 More about evangelism

July 2014 Evangelism

June 2014 Living on mission with God

May 2014 Our ministry with Jesus

April 2014 More about pastors: the importance of emotional intelligence and empathy

March 2014 Remembering our calling to pastoral ministry

February 2014 Pastoral Internship Program, understanding generational differences

January 2014 Spiritual discernment


December 2013 Resources for Advent and Christmas

November 2013 Christ-centered preaching and teaching

October 2013 Stewardship of our hearts, Soul Care and the Roots of Clergy Burnout

September 2013 Stewardship of spiritual gifts

August 2013 Stewardship of finances; a new day for fundraising

July 2013 Pastoral succession planning; Ray Meyer’s story

June 2013 GCnext, My Story: Heber Ticas

May 2013 Preaching

April 2013 Ascension and Pentecost; ministry resources

March 2013 Capitalizing on being a small church; deploying members for mission

February 2013 Multiplying churches

January 2013 Looking back and forward; facilitating intergenerational ministry


December 2012 Proclaiming good news, catalyzing Christian community

November 2012 Tips for effective preaching

October 2012 Life and ministry in small churches

September 2012 Stewards of God’s grace

August 2012 Bivocational Pastors: The Tentmaking Pastor

July 2012 Bivocational Pastors: Time is on your side; Exponential

June 2012 Passing the leadership baton

May 2012 Leadership multiplication

April 2012 Discipleship pathway

March 2012 Ministry burnout

February 2012 Spiritual discernment

January 2012 Preaching resources, Black History month


December 2011 Preparing for the New Year

November 2011 The Christian Year, celebrating Advent and Christmas

October 2011 Missional churches, Transformational Church consulting services

September 2011 FaithTalk (evangelistic small groups)

August 2011 Catalog of GCI Church Development Resources

July 2011 Leaving a legacy, progress toward GC Next

June 2011 Stewardship

May 2011 Easter season, infant baptism, the theology of baptism

April 2011 Report on GenMin summit; a church planting story from Steve Elliott

March 2011 Building a coaching culture; worship in light of the Trinity

February 2011 Ministry resources, Black History Month ideas, indicators of church health

January 2011 The Mission of God (Journey with Jesus)


December 2010 Advent & prophecy, using Alpha for outreach

November 2010 Vision for multiplication, details concerning 2011 regional conferences

October 2010 Multiplication, 2011 Regional Conferences: On Mission with God, passion for church planting

September 2010 Using camps & missions to build cross-generational community, Exponential Conference report

August 2010 International Conference recap

July 2010 Stewardship – focus on church offerings

June 2010 Disciplemaking Pathway part 4: Multiplication (Become); ministry coaching; update on the Pastoral Continuing Education Program

May 2010 Disciplemaking Pathway part 3: Nurturing Believers (Believe)

April 2010 Disciplemaking Pathway part 2: Seeking the Lost (Belong)

March 2010 Disciplemaking Pathway part 1: Overview; Holy Week

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