Preaching from the lectionary

This article is from pastor Sam Butler. Several months ago I was challenged to consider using the lectionary to shape my preaching-teaching and worship planning. I say “challenged” because I was accustomed to “doing my own thing” in planning my sermons, and the idea of using someone else’s pre-determined structure did not sit well with … Continue reading "Preaching from the lectionary" Read the article

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FaithTalk equipper: resources for fellowship groups

This article is from regional pastor Randy Bloom. In GCI we have a vision for all kinds of churches for all kinds of people in all kinds of places. Some of our smaller congregations have realized that they are most effectively positioned to contribute to the realization of this vision by utilizing a fellowship group … Continue reading "FaithTalk equipper: resources for fellowship groups" Read the article

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Sermon summary: Jesus in the Dark

Here is the summary of a sermon for Palm Sunday written by pastor Lance McKinnon (Revised Common Lectionary, year B) Mark 15:33-37 (NRSV) When it was noon, darkness came over the whole land until three in the afternoon. At three o’clock Jesus cried out with a loud voice, “Eloi, Eloi, lema sabachthani?” which means, “My … Continue reading "Sermon summary: Jesus in the Dark" Read the article

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Renewal In Our Fellowship Groups

The February Equipper focuses on renewal in our smallest congregations (we call them fellowship groups). The five articles in this issue are linked below. Enjoy! – Ted Johnston, Equipper editor From Greg: Operating from abundance, not scarcity What is a fellowship group? Faithtalk Equipper: resources for fellowship groups by Randy Bloom Sermon summary: Jesus in the Dark by Lance McKinnon … Continue reading "Renewal In Our Fellowship Groups" Read the article

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From Greg: Operating from abundance, not scarcity

Dear Pastors and Ministry Leaders: During our 2015 end-of-year CAD team meeting we broke into groups to list our strengths and challenges, and to identify objectives for 2016. Though good ideas emerged, I noticed the challenges getting the most attention in ways that almost were threatening to become the focus of our planning. I say … Continue reading "From Greg: Operating from abundance, not scarcity" Read the article

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What is a fellowship group?

Recently, Greg Williams emailed all GCI-USA primary pastoral leaders to notify them that CAD has published a new version of the Church Administration Manual, which defines three types of GCI-USA congregations: non-chartered fellowship groups, chartered fellowship groups, and chartered churches. The two fellowship group types apply to congregations averaging less than 15 people in worship service … Continue reading "What is a fellowship group?" Read the article

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